Early reflections on the results of the United States election, and how I think we can say that the results show a clear divide between the 'elites' and people at large.
A remarkable and definitive victory for Donald Trump and the Republicans. There is no doubt about this result – it was a thumping of the Democrats. Among many reflections, I think the most striking and relevant is that there is a huge gap between the Democrats and their ‘elite’ supporters including many in mainstream media, and the American people. I will expand on this later, but in short, the issues that Harris and friends thought were relevant are not except on college campuses, newsrooms, and among other left wing radicals. It will also be these same groups unable to comprehend the result and will seek to blame their failure on anyone but themselves.
The win by Trump does not surprise me; I’m on record over recent months stating he would win. I did however, think it would be closer and on this I was wrong. He’s romped home winning (as I write) all the swing states and the popular vote. The latter will be particularly galling for the left. Last time he won against Hiliary Clinton, he won the Electoral College but not the popular vote. Now he can clearly state the majority of Americans are behind him – and they are.
The Senate is now firmly in Republican hands and it looks like the Republicans will keep control of the House of Representatives. It is important to pause and reflect on both of these, alongside Trump’s win. The American voter has acted comprehensively in rejecting the Democrats’ and their agenda. This election result is much more than simply Harris v. Trump.
Strikingly, and granted it’s only been a few hours, but the Democrats calls for ‘ending the Senate filibuster’ have suddenly gone silent. The same is true of their calls for Sotomayor to leave the Supreme Court. The cards have not fallen anywhere near the way Democrats expected and so their views will change on these and other matters.
The reason for this sweep is simple – Trump and the Republican’s message was appealing to the masses. It almost feels silly for me to have to write this, but as I read some early media reporting, it seems this simple fact is already lost on some commentators!
In almost every State and county, Trump did better than in previous elections. He picked up votes from traditionally Democrat leaning demographics – think Black Americans, Latinos, and those union-aligned. The wave of women meant to vote for Harris never materialised. This too does not surprise me insofar as people will often get het up around moral issues (think abortion, trans and identity issues) but more often than not – both here and in the USA – people vote on the economy, law and order, healthcare, and education. As Bill Clinton once said “it’s the economy stupid.” Certainly too for Americans, the unchecked immigration issue was of huge concern.
I do think part of the Trump win is people not liking Harris, or perhaps not really knowing who she was. I should be clear, I see this as a ‘Trump win’ and not a ‘Harris loss’. But Harris’ fake phone call on election day – where she pretended to call someone – is symbolic. There was nothing to her or what she was doing. I don’t say this to be cruel for in some ways she was in an invidious position. As Vice President she was relatively irrelevant. I would argue the same of Deputy Prime Ministers here. They have a nice title but what exactly do they do in that role? (The answer is little). We know she had little engagement in White House decisions and that President Biden kept her at a distance. This however, could not be admitted in public – she had to demonstrate relevance and leadership, and so she explicitly tied herself to Biden’s agenda. Yet, simultaneously she tried to show she was different to him. Ultimately, it meant she appeared inauthentic to the American voter.
Overall, the result illustrates a divided America but not in the way it’s often pitched. This is not so much a divide of ‘average’ citizens against one another, but a growing divide between elites who believe they know best versus citizens. The term ‘elites’ is just a quick easy way to include the likes of the leaders of the Democrats, various celebrities, many newsrooms and reporters, university faculties, and so on. Their views are increasingly at odds with the American people. The result last night illustrates this. Put crudely, the elite love the woke issues. Last night, more American people woke up and voted to reject these issues and influences.
Here in New Zealand, I see various commentators, former politicians and diplomats saying Trump will be no good for New Zealand. I would point out the counter-factual insofar as no US President of late has been good for New Zealand, particularly around trade. Much is often made of Trump and free trade, but Harris would have been no different – just as Biden has done nothing for New Zealand, nor would have Clinton had she won back in 2016. The only positive in our trading relationship for many years was the adoption of the Knowledgeable Innovators and Worthy Investors Act (or KIWI Act) back in 2018 – under Donald Trump.
I will draw people’s attention though to an earlier Substack I wrote and one area I do expect Trump to put explicit pressure on New Zealand – and this is defence spending. You can read the op-ed below:
Defending Trump Jul 18 Read full story
A final few quick points. I do not share the concerns that a Trump administration will undermine the Constitution. I think said Constitution is robust and the very separation of powers that often paralyses the country, will also play its part if Trump does seek to extend his influence in appropriately.
The excuses already starting that Harris lost due to sexism and racism will only reinforce voters’ choice. As I referenced earlier, the elite obsession with race, gender, identity and so forth are at odds with the popular vote.
As you can imagine, there is much more that can be written and said. In fact, that is one certainty we can have as Trump becomes the President-elect and that is there will be no shortage of commentary over the coming days and years!
Simon O'Connor a former National MP graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Political Studies . Simon blogs at On Point - where this article was sourced.
The Senate is now firmly in Republican hands and it looks like the Republicans will keep control of the House of Representatives. It is important to pause and reflect on both of these, alongside Trump’s win. The American voter has acted comprehensively in rejecting the Democrats’ and their agenda. This election result is much more than simply Harris v. Trump.
Strikingly, and granted it’s only been a few hours, but the Democrats calls for ‘ending the Senate filibuster’ have suddenly gone silent. The same is true of their calls for Sotomayor to leave the Supreme Court. The cards have not fallen anywhere near the way Democrats expected and so their views will change on these and other matters.
The reason for this sweep is simple – Trump and the Republican’s message was appealing to the masses. It almost feels silly for me to have to write this, but as I read some early media reporting, it seems this simple fact is already lost on some commentators!
In almost every State and county, Trump did better than in previous elections. He picked up votes from traditionally Democrat leaning demographics – think Black Americans, Latinos, and those union-aligned. The wave of women meant to vote for Harris never materialised. This too does not surprise me insofar as people will often get het up around moral issues (think abortion, trans and identity issues) but more often than not – both here and in the USA – people vote on the economy, law and order, healthcare, and education. As Bill Clinton once said “it’s the economy stupid.” Certainly too for Americans, the unchecked immigration issue was of huge concern.
I do think part of the Trump win is people not liking Harris, or perhaps not really knowing who she was. I should be clear, I see this as a ‘Trump win’ and not a ‘Harris loss’. But Harris’ fake phone call on election day – where she pretended to call someone – is symbolic. There was nothing to her or what she was doing. I don’t say this to be cruel for in some ways she was in an invidious position. As Vice President she was relatively irrelevant. I would argue the same of Deputy Prime Ministers here. They have a nice title but what exactly do they do in that role? (The answer is little). We know she had little engagement in White House decisions and that President Biden kept her at a distance. This however, could not be admitted in public – she had to demonstrate relevance and leadership, and so she explicitly tied herself to Biden’s agenda. Yet, simultaneously she tried to show she was different to him. Ultimately, it meant she appeared inauthentic to the American voter.
Overall, the result illustrates a divided America but not in the way it’s often pitched. This is not so much a divide of ‘average’ citizens against one another, but a growing divide between elites who believe they know best versus citizens. The term ‘elites’ is just a quick easy way to include the likes of the leaders of the Democrats, various celebrities, many newsrooms and reporters, university faculties, and so on. Their views are increasingly at odds with the American people. The result last night illustrates this. Put crudely, the elite love the woke issues. Last night, more American people woke up and voted to reject these issues and influences.
Here in New Zealand, I see various commentators, former politicians and diplomats saying Trump will be no good for New Zealand. I would point out the counter-factual insofar as no US President of late has been good for New Zealand, particularly around trade. Much is often made of Trump and free trade, but Harris would have been no different – just as Biden has done nothing for New Zealand, nor would have Clinton had she won back in 2016. The only positive in our trading relationship for many years was the adoption of the Knowledgeable Innovators and Worthy Investors Act (or KIWI Act) back in 2018 – under Donald Trump.
I will draw people’s attention though to an earlier Substack I wrote and one area I do expect Trump to put explicit pressure on New Zealand – and this is defence spending. You can read the op-ed below:
Defending Trump Jul 18 Read full story
A final few quick points. I do not share the concerns that a Trump administration will undermine the Constitution. I think said Constitution is robust and the very separation of powers that often paralyses the country, will also play its part if Trump does seek to extend his influence in appropriately.
The excuses already starting that Harris lost due to sexism and racism will only reinforce voters’ choice. As I referenced earlier, the elite obsession with race, gender, identity and so forth are at odds with the popular vote.
As you can imagine, there is much more that can be written and said. In fact, that is one certainty we can have as Trump becomes the President-elect and that is there will be no shortage of commentary over the coming days and years!
Simon O'Connor a former National MP graduated from the University of Auckland with a Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Political Studies . Simon blogs at On Point - where this article was sourced.
We need a JD Vance to take on the left wing ideologues here. Seymour is pretty good, but Vance is far more assertive. In his interview with CNN & ABC, he was playing chess while they thought they were player checkers. It was the best bit of political TV I have seen in ages.
Here's hoping he does not evict Jacinda and send her back here.
Great objective commentary. Its quite true, identity pollitics did not come into it, nor did it need to. Most people are mature enough to 'live and let live' as they say and that's enough said on the matter. “it’s the economy stupid.” yup! But not just that, let go of the hideous crap fest that's been going on.
The three Rogan chat sessions with Trump, Vance and Musk were very good. Felt like you knew them.
All on YouTube if you have time to spare, 3 hours each time...
".....a growing divide between elites who think they know best versus citizens". This is exactly why I was glad for this win.
The comment oft seen in any NZ Media written opine, following any Federal Election in the US of A, has always been "What is in it for us NZ"? The following paragraph (after the aforementioned statement) - "What will happen to our current and future Trading relationships"? "Oh woe is me, the wine exports, the meat, dairy, military interactions" -
Just a reminder, a history lesson if you like - remember David Lange and the Nuclear issues ( I do = do you?) and the establishment of the Nuclear Free Act - did more harm to the NZ - US relationship than many Kiwi's would have heard or even cared about.
What is not told is the actions taken by many - both US & NZ business, banking, trade, travel (and military) to ensure that we maintained a relationship with the US - one that was appreciated more by the US, but never acknowledged by our Politicians. Odd that.
The Democrats sold out their solid base, the working class, years ago. They've lost that constituency now. That's where the numbers are. Trump and his advisors saw that back in 2017.
I find it interesting that the majority of above comments are "anonymous"
Frightened of being identified? Scared of retaliation? Or just hiding for no good reason.
Why? This is not yet Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia.
Comrade Ardern and her "hate speech" laws are no more.
People just enjoy the thought that anonymity risks being persecuted and that Ardern is somehow still around to torment them. Masochism.
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