
Friday, December 10, 2021

Garrick Tremain: Jacinda's Christmas Wish!

 Here is Garrick Tremain's cartoon commentary on Jacinda's Christmas wish! 

Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best known artists and political cartoonists. With a background in farming and advertising, he has a wonderful ability to capture in images exactly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see his more of his work on his website HERE. 


Unknown said...

Garrick Tremain has hit the nail on the head, it would be funny if it was not true and so damaging to New Zealanders future

Anonymous said...

Apartheid never seems to end well as Hendrick Verwoerd's demise (amongst other things) would indicate. It was very interesting to learn about him on Wiki.
Whenever I mention apartheid in relation to what is happening in NZ people just seem to stare blankly at me. I think the propaganda is working but their brains are not, unfortunately.
Thanks Garrick for this insightful (hopefully not inciteful) message.

Anonymous said...

Does our divisive Prime Minister REALLY have a bust of Karl Marx on her desk?

Tony Orman said...

The fact that the papers won't run his brilliant perceptive cartoons shows how "politically correct" NZ has become and how tainted the media has become. The media is no longer objective but compliant to government who short on principles, bought the media with handouts. As a former Labour voter, former editor and newspaper journalist, I'm disgusted.