
Thursday, May 16, 2024

Heather du Plessis-Allan: The NSW Government is coming for our Kiwi cops

We've got to talk about the brain drain that’s going on.

Today, the NSW Government has announced it is going to come for our Kiwi cops. It's got a shortage of 1500 police, and they're extremely worried about it.

So the Chris Minns Government has announced it’s going to slash red tape, cut down the course time required by more than half and fast-track Kiwi cops into their force.

And Kiwi cops will leave. Because unless they win the pay arbitration they’re about to go into, they will take a pay offer from our Government that we can see is pretty poor. So they'll all head overseas for better pay.

These are people we can’t afford to lose. Because we need police too, we're short on police as well.

And we are losing a lot of these kinds of people. The immigration figures out yesterday were pretty rough. In just a year, we’ve lost a net 52,500 Kiwis - mostly to Australia.

What we're talking about here is that these are our best and brightest. They are our skilled workers choosing to leave the country.

Now, part of the problem is where we are economically. It happens to us when we're in the bomb part of the cycle, Kiwis leave when the economy is cruddy. 

And some of it is because of the vibe in New Zealand. It's gloomy, let’s be honest, because we are having pretty angry conservations as a country about politics.

And on both those scores, I do have confidence we are now headed in the right direction. I just think it will take time to see the end result.

We also have an added complication now, which is that it’s going to get harder to get Kiwis back from Australia, because they can get citizenship again over there.

What I think we need to do is - we need to lift our game. We have to give our people a reason not to leave, and a reason to come back if they do.

And that means we have to go hard economically. That is the only way we're going to get out of this.

So we’ve got to stop being sissies about this. We need to cut this wellbeing nonsense - what does that even mean? Stop angsting about the tiniest impact some business is going to have on the environment and get real about our climate impact, it's tiny.

Dig the good stuff out of the ground, that's how you get rich. And this country needs to get wealthy, so we can all earn more - because that is what gives you a good lifestyle.

And a good lifestyle is the reason you stay here.

Heather du Plessis-Allan is a journalist and commentator who hosts Newstalk ZB's Drive show HERE - where this article was sourced.


robert Arthur said...

Policing in NZ must be very unsatisfying. There is the catch and release policy, and with maori even the catching is counter policy, and the tiniest transgression of protocol is likely to result in endless wrangle about tikanga etc .Helpful techniques are banned; photographing the inevitable clients, hoarding of fingerprints etc. And in Oz that gun at the hip must be a comfort. Dealing endlessly with mental cases as well as nutters imagining decolonisation must be very tedious. To discourage them going we should make it clear that they will not be avoiding maori gang members.

Reggie said...

How do we stop the brain drain? Well there’s all the economic issues so we need to fix this broken economy. But more importantly, don’t ignore the elephant in the room…the Maorification of NZ! My daughter and many of her mates have gone because they are offended and horrified with what’s been happening to NZ over the last 6-8 years. The lies and exaggerations about the Treaty, the rants of pro-Maori about colonisation (which brought huge benefits to a Stone Age people), the constant biased reporting of main stream media, our woke Public Servants promoting pidgin English in their communications, our universities with their warped sense of diversity, equity and inclusion, are major turn offs to our brightest. They’re leaving in droves to Australia in particular which is now a more balanced and sensible country. Even in my dotage I’m tempted to join them…

Basil Walker said...

I believe the Budget will be defining for Mr Luxon if there are these Ministeries and Government departments still around after the 2024 Budget .

The focus should be . One Nation One People

Gone should be Ministry of Environment, Climate Change , Maori Health , Pacific Peoples, Women, Ethnic Communities, Maori Development (Te Puni Korkiri), Maori Language (Te Matawai ), Rau Paenga (Crown Infrastructure Delivery) and the Waitangi Tribunal.

Doug Longmire said...

And it's not just Police leaving for Aus for better pay and conditions.
Health Care Professionals are leaving in their droves.
Nurses, pharmacists, podiatrists, physiotherapists, dentists, technicians to name just a few.

Anonymous said...

In any crisis, there are mergers.... let NZ merge with NSW.

Hold a referendum on this........ Big YES vote!

Then let Iwi try to bleed Australia - no chance.

So a great solution ,

CXH said...

'Dig the good stuff out of the ground, that's how you get rich.' Noway is often held up as a poster boy of how to create a green, sustainable economy. What is never mentioned is they can afford it because they are digging the good shit out of the ground and using the money to set themselves up for the future.

We leave it in the ground and pretend we have the money for the future.

Anonymous said...

If the brainwashed school and uni kids vote labour/greens back in next election, then I imagine everyone who is able to will be leaving. We ain't seen nothing yet heather.

Anonymous said...

Kiwis, including maori are sick of all the liberals stuffing all the ti tiriti stuff down your throats. You can't escape it unless you leave.

Anonymous said...

Hazel, please stay. And we desperately need a couple of million more of you. This country is rapidly approaching peak stupidity/corruption (take your choice) but we really need to stay and fight, or life for our children and grandchildren will be worse than Pol Pot’s Cambodia ever was.

Anonymous said...

Heather - please join us! The radio programs over here are rubbish, we need Newstalk ZB to jump the ditch as well.