
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Denis Hall: The utter futility of trying to force a reluctant population to learn Te Reo Maori

I am going to indulge myself here - and commit cultural heresy by speaking the truth again.


English is a stand alone language - it is the global language of literature and diplomacy and science and engineering - and in fact everything that people (humans in general) need to do.

Maori Language is not any of those things. Not even close.

In fact is not spoken or understood by ninety percent of people who claim to be its own people - but our deluded and dangerous and time wasting and culturally unsound and strange Ardern Labour Green Government - is working overtime to force feed it to the rest of the population - many of whom are already bi-lingual in other international languages - like for instance - Mandarin - spoken by BILLIONS.

And “Our idiot government” do all that with lashings of indoctrination, brain washing and propaganda all day and every night on our TV Screens.

Yeah - we know - we have all seen it - but what to do?

Then this week Mid August 2022 - a couple of things have happened to bring this cultural lunacy into sharp focus.

Weeeeee - look at us - so WOKY WOKE WOKE! We are at the cutting edge of stupid in the whole world!

First moment of clarity was delivered by a TV One Weather Woman - obviously selected to do the job because her main qualification was that she was Maori and could speak “Te Reo” (the new and improved name for Maori Language,) on the TV One “News” and Weather. She delivered the weather - of vital importance to so many of us - in an incomprehensible version of a Maori/English mix - that rather than inform - was just a plain garbled and irritating hodge podge of nonsensical gibberish.

It wasn't weather - it was cultural indoctrination - and I resent it.

It was a classic example of how disconnected our media have become from the population at large - that they are supposed to serve. But sadly - it seems those days are gone - and I imagine - that when we see the error of our ways as a Nation - and trash this leftist government - (Next year - phew - but like herpes - if we are not careful it might come back,) and that whole media contingent on all channels will have to microscopically examined to find all the culprits - and they need to be eradicated and expunged in a major personnel clean out.

I wonder what the Maori words for microscopic and eradicate and expunge are?

Ease up on the big words Denis.

The second moment - (this week) (for me - because of the way my brain works,) that provided the most cogent argument that the abject futility of this whole Maori Language business desperately needs to be addressed by the population at large - and stopped as soon as possible - was when a humble and deluded wannabe Car Mechanic from somewhere strange - decided he wants to be taught by a poli-tech to do the theory side of his Mechanical Trade Studies - in the Maori Language.

(Sorry - I meant to say “Te Reo”.)

Teach people to fix cars in Maori? Using Maori language at all levels? All for the benefit of at the moment - one student - who is obviously obsessed by his study of Te Reo? Oh - how amazing of him! Such a cultural hero - and he will need to be on next year’s Honours List. A Sirhood perhaps? How do we say Sirhood in Maori?

Well obviously - (he suggests) all the Work Books for those Te reo fixing car lessons - will all have to be translated from the dreaded English in the manuals - and assembled in writing on a page in a book somewhere - and as a nod to European Culture - our vitally important Mechanical Engineering student - has learned to read - even though the act of writing, reading and books themselves - is an entirely European construct without which all lessons would have to be verbal - as in oral - and remembered in a brain somewhere - and that dies when it’s owner dies. (Can't put a brain in a library.)

That whole concept of learning from such blatantly European system of reading and writing - should surely be abhorrent to someone who wants to be so culturally uncontaminated by language - as should cars and driving and roads for that matter.

Well - we all know - that back in the day - Maori used to walk everywhere - and they couldn't horse there either - because there were no horses back then.

NEW ZEALAND - had no large and edible mammals - except other humans.

But let’s try to ignore all that - because reality is not permitted by the modern government sponsored brainwashing service.

But then those geniuses at the Poli-techs who have apparently agreed to do all this - they believe they will have to be prepared to teach Mechanical Engineering to many many more in Maori Language in the future - when that Weather Woman on TV One starts handing out diplomas to all the deluded who learn to speak Te Reo in her News and Weather Maori language classes.

But they (the Poli-tech geniuses) - suddenly identified a major problem with all this - and that was reported on the News in English on Newstalk ZB News. (Y’know - radio without pictures.)

They had realized that all the car parts and procedures to fix cars - were in English words - and German - and maybe some in Japanese - and they all have no Maori equivalent - - but of course - as they admitted - that was because those words had not been made up yet.

The Maori words for a whole range of car parts HAD NOT BEEN MADE UP YET!

Yeah - that’s what they said on the radio. “We haven’t made up any Maori words for car parts yet.”

Their words exactly - not mine - and they thought (out loud on the radio) they might have to go to the Maori Language Commission about that problem - and there were deliberations on whether they needed to make up entirely new Maori words - as they have recently for “Premium” and “Standard” Petrol - so they could put it on Petrol Pumps - or - …..“or” - they said there was an “or” (alternative is the big word for or) - as in - “Or would it be acceptable to just used transliterations - which of course in general parlance means - “mispronounced” and “bastardised” English words.

“Maori Language Commission” - now there is a SPECIAL PLACE FOR YOU - (lots of overpaid people in there) - where they make up new Maori words - or approve new Maori words that made themselves up.

Oh look! They could work on this one: Whether - and weather? I wonder if Maori language can differentiate between those two English words?

But seriously! Think about how futile and deluded a poli-tech would have to be to agree to all those new levels of expense and time and expertise - on something so abjectly futile. But apparently (according to the News) one of them has - and that will involve getting all the work manuals and lessons translated into Maori - and REPRINTED - for a readership that could fit in a phone box.

And all this to me - identifies clearly the futility of Maori Language regeneration.

Think about what all this actually means.

What do we think might be next? Aircraft engineers - and making up new Maori words for hundreds - or even thousands of aircraft parts and systems? That should be fun - but I imagine Boeing might offer gigantic subsidies for all that because it is so culturally vital and important. And of course there’s computering and fixing computers - and what about software engineering? And then there’s telephone technicians - I imagine lots of Maori will want to learn about that in Maori - and how about heart surgery - or podiatry - or holy cow - psychiatry.

I am beginning to think that Psychiatry would be a great place to start - after they have succeeded with Mechanical Engineering.

I just had a thought about teaching “Elon Musking” in Maori - and everyone could all learn how to be billionaires in Te Reo.

But my eyes just water - and I feel constipation coming on - when I think of the potential range of bloodsucking bureaucrats and interpreters and deluded social engineers all milking this new initiative for all they are worth - or will be worth in the future - sucking on the teat of all this cultural idiocy.

Well - you know - all of us in the world with a modicum of intelligence - instantly knew one simple thing: There will be no Maori names for all those car parts and rocket parts and computer parts and plumbing parts. I mean - what would it take? I discussed it with my budgie - and she got it straight away. Mind you - she does have an interest in Car Mechanics - because she says her first father used to be one.

I believe her of course.

FOR THE RECORD - there are hundreds of thousands of people who have emigrated to New Zealand - and English is their second language - and Maory greetings and sentences sprinkled through the news and weather only makes their learning process more difficult. They need a clean version of English to learn from.

And for Maori in New Zealand - Maori language is in reality their second language as well - and if they want to learn to speak their own language that is to be commended - but it is not my job - or a recent immigrant's job - to learn it at the same time - any more than it is my job to learn to speak Mandarin.

Denis Hall describes himself as an old man and an artist - a thinker - a writer - and a commentator. He does what he does - for the love of it


nicholastwig said...

Oh all of that Denis - what pathetic drips they are. BUT what about the other side? Maori as spoken in these isles for hundreds of years - with some local variations - was indeed a functional melodious 'perfect' language for the people who wanted to communicate both mundane tasks and directions and deeply considered philosophies on the meaning of life.

How it is being distorted and polluted with all these contortions. Fancy sitting around all day - and taking the money - to decide how to include 'carburetor' in te reo. Makes one blush for the noddies - how do you say noddies in te reo?

gregd said...

Maybe Winston would stop it,haven't heard a word from National/Act as to this divisive use of a language only of use to a minute section of the population.

Anonymous said...

Denis, you are absolutely right.
I always, had watched TV1 weather reports.
I was blown away by the so obvious Maori input with the new Maori weather presenter. Although I know a lot of maori words, I am not at all interested in learning the Maori language.
I now immediately switch chanels if I see that presenter who is using a hodge podge oe English and Maori. I only wish to know what the forthcoming weather is likely to be.
The wokeness invading our media, and every day living, leaves me feeling so anti establishment. Do the government and high up public servants, not recognise the damage they do, when indoctrination of this type is being pushed upon the public.
My vote at election time next year, will definetely not be for Labour and its excessive maori pushing ideology.
Thanks for your article Denis. It is refreshing to know that others are as aware of the wokeness invading our society.

Kiwialan said...

Denis, my wife and I get our news from Al Jazera on Sky and our weather from Microsoft as we can't stomach the Maori crap dished up on mainstream media in this country. Even if you record TV1 or 3 news and fast forward it you can't get away from it, mixing the bloody stone age language with our cultural heritage. Maori have 2 TV channels and several radio stations in their own language ( which taxpayers fork out for ) but the greedy bastards still want to pollute ours. When will the opposition Parties collaborate and start opposing the woke racist propaganda being showered on us ??? Kiwialan.

Ray S said...

Aircraft operating and maintenance manuals in Maori, spare me.
Aircraft would have to be blessed before every flight, in Maori no less.

Anonymous said...

I cannot see WHY, the reason, I need to pretend to be a Maori now. Yesterday's news was that we now need a special template for Pakeha to pepeha because the Maori template isn't suitable. I.kID.yOU.nOT. Never mind all the people who have been edged out of public service roles because they refused to pepeha as if they were Maori. It is just not a sensible thing to do.
The other solution to the bastardised pidgin TV lingo is just don't turn it on. There are plenty of other sources for anything that can be seen on TV.
I can't wait to vote this crazy stuff out forever hopefully!
Proud to be an anti-racist who embraces my fellow citizens of all races. It's the class war we need to do something about.

Mudbayripper said...

There it is again, post modern/ truth lunacy. Talk about covid 19 this is a pandemic of the mind. People over a certain age not so susceptible. Unfortunately we don't run the world anymore.

CXH said...

Several decades ago I had a similar problem while working in China. Everything we imported was given a Chinese name. A transition back to English was always interesting. A sticking plaster was 'blood stopping sticky paper'.

Robert Arthur said...

A problem is that the pro maori industry has got completely out of hand. So many are now involved an absolute furore will be unleashed by any attempt at dial back. Many teachers and tertiary institution academic activists and many in lucrative specialised govt departments will be liable to lose their jobs. Those released from employment will not deign to do basic labour, and few will have useful constructive skills. Racial discrimination will be claimed; tertiary academics will prove especially intractable; what else can they do for such easy money? Te reo should be regarded as a hobby language, much as Old English, with some support for night classes and little else. Official status needs to be withdrawn. Politicians have been asleep on their feet when it comes to matters maori. They consistently understimate maori/trace maori artful conniving. Too few have sought translation of the maori motto "Haotu he koromatua tango te wae wae." Now near everyone who does not pretend to be suportive lives in fear of cancellation, so maori have carried the day.

Peter B said...

Yes, there's whether and weather and also wether (a male sheep). Go stick that one in your dictionary!
May God help us all from this rabble!

Greengrass said...

The cultural excuses for the introduction of the Maori Language into the functions of government institutions is a smoke-screen for a political trojan horse. The end objective is to eventually make proficiency in Te Reo, Maori Tikanga and a host of other Maori views and practices, a Job Description requirement for vacancies in the the Public Service. This eliminates the bulk of non-Maori applicants and opens the door to Maori applicants. The end result being a take-over of the Public Service by Maori. The language is nothing more than a vehicle to achieve this aim.

Everyone is raving about the imposition of TeReo when the real issue is a take-over of the bureaucracy and the country by Maori.
Maori are, and always have been, skilled military strategists, but this time the taiaha has been superceded by the pen.