
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Robert MacCulloch: There's not one thing in PM Chippy's "Five Economic Priorities" for Chippies in the Hutt

PM Hipkins released his Five Economic Priorities yesterday. The language is comical, using every buzz word known to motivational speakers. NZ should develop "a strong global reputation", be a "Centre of Excellence", go for "sustainable agri-tech", be a "global leader" in renewables, "digitally creative" and focus on "premium tourism" (meaning rich people flying Business & Private, one supposes, not unwashed backpackers driving vans).

In other words, it reads like something a billionaire who stays in eco-friendly lodges, owns a tech business where everyone earns a million a year, attends global leadership conferences in places like Davos in Switzerland, has a superyacht powered by bio-fuel and invests his or her spare cash in sustainable energy start-ups, would come up with. As such, my reading of Chippy's "five economic priorities" is that they will put up the cost-of-living.

The odd thing is that there's nothing in his priorities for ordinary men or women. The PM may like to pretend he's on the side of bread-and-butter working-class folk concerned about things being affordable, however, at least in the US, such folks would read his five economic priorities as something concocted by Hollywood producers, Silicon valley weirdos & Prince Harry types, with help from Hilary Clinton. And run for the hills.

Oddly enough, we've just been visited at the University of Auckland by Professor Massimo Morelli from Bocconi in Italy who gave a Deans Distinguished Lecture a few weeks ago about populism. He said that populist leaders often go for five, yes five, commitments to wrangle votes. Apparently psychologists have identified "five" as a magic number. He said Italy's former populist PM, Silvio Berlusconi, had a Five Point Personal Contract & was aligned with the Five Star Movement. Former Republican Speaker of the House in the US, Newt Gingrich, has similarly advocated a "five point plan" for America. At least Chippy's in good company.


Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


DeeM said...

I thought Chippy's 5 economic priorities were:-
- drive up the cost-of-living
- drive up taxes
- drive up wasteful spending
- drive up the gap between rich and poor
- drive up a dead-end street taking the economy with him

The guy's the epitome of "progressive" socialism. Everything goes backwards, downwards and regresses.
Woke doesn't do him justice.

The founders of the Labour Party would be turning in their graves.

Anonymous said...

Is he actually capitulating, there is a bit to still come out re the books opening and he knows whats in there. Further apparently there is a bit ugly stuff flying in from left field any day lets hope this a last whimper before extinction.

Anonymous said...

You know why it’s a five point plan, don’t you?
Not many fingers left on one hand unless your from Palmerston North😆

Anonymous said...

Chippy's like his predecessor, aspirational and full of bull. Even if he defies the odds and gets re-elected we know nothing will come of any of these promises. They had six blimmin' years to do all this stuff, unopposed, and they did all the stupid stuff!
Co-governance without wider consultation, and with one-sided racist direction.
I can't wait to see what new crap spews out of Willie's wee mouth next. They are the desperate clown show.
Ex Labour Party member and Electoral Committee member. So over them.

Anonymous said...

Just one real priority for Mr Hipkins ( as for Ms Ardern) :

fast tracking the He Puapua agenda

Anonymous said...

Hipkins, like his predecessor are on the side of the globalists, where symbolism is writ large. We the people here in slavelandia don't get a look in.