
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Breaking Views Update: Week of 25.2.24

Saturday March 2, 2024 

ACT Congratulates Wayne Brown On Review Of Woke Procurement

“The Auckland Mayor’s move to review woke procurement policies should prompt other councils – and central government – to do the same,” says ACT Local Government spokesman Cameron Luxton.

“ACT believes the purpose of government procurement is to deliver quality public services at the best possible value for money. It’s as simple as that.

“But under the previous government, the rot of so-called ‘progressive procurement’ reached central government. Willie Jackson instructed almost 150 government agencies to increase the diversity of their suppliers, with a target of eight percent of all government contracts being awarded to ‘Māori businesses’.

“When we should be enabling competition and productivity, we’re instead telling builders and computer programmers to scour their family tree to figure out if they can qualify as a Māori business. That’s absurd......
See full article HERE

Te Aka Whai Ora gone - Whanganui Māori health provider has to return all contracts
Whanganui Māori health provider Te Oranganui spent the past 18 months transferring contracts from Te Whatu Ora to Te Aka Whai Ora - now it will have to do the opposite.

“My dream for the health system isn’t about bureaucratic structures and endless plans and reports; it’s about identifying need and responding to it,” Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti said.

Te Oranganui chief executive Wheturangi Walsh-Tapiata said she felt “concern and sadness” about the unclear path Te Aka Whai Ora’s absence left for the future....
See full article HERE

Whanganui mayor reflects on ‘vastly different’ iwi relations since occupation
The relationship between Māori and the Whanganui council today is “vastly different” compared to 29 years ago, Mayor Andrew Tripe says.

“Let’s look at 29 years ago compared to today: the council at the time came down to Pākaitore to order the protesters of the day to move out.

“I’m here to celebrate what [the protesters] did. That’s the difference.”

“You need to go back into history, back into the 1800s, to understand what it was like to be Māori.

“I don’t think people like me - Pākehā - have fully understood what it is to have a te ao Māori worldview. That’s our challenge today......
See full article HERE

Pharmac stops free flu vaccines for older Maori, Pasifika
Pharmac has withdrawn its support of free flu vaccines to Māori and Pasifika people aged 55 to 65.

This week Pharmac said it was injecting one million dollars into flu vaccines that will be available to those who are most vulnerable to influenza.

In 2022 and 2023 Pharmac widened the access to free vaccines for Māori and Pasifika aged 55-65 and children up to 12 years old by using funding from the government’s Covid-19 budget. But that budget has now ended.....
See full article HERE

Kawea Te Rongo expresses concern about Newshub impact on Māori media

The South Auckland kura ā-iwi bucking the trend: What’s its secret?

Māori feel betrayed by Coalition - Willie Jackson on scrapping of Māori Health Authority

Te Aka Whai Ora Disestablishment ‘Damaging’ For Māori Health Equity

Changes treaty reference iwi suppression says Waititi  

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE

Friday March 1, 2024 

Dr Shane Reti - My vision for Māori health is based on needs and outcomes, not bureaucracy 
Legislation to disestablish the Māori Health Authority heralds the start of a new vision for Māori health.

I want to start by reiterating that I believe we all have the same dream for the health system: we all want to address health inequities, we all want to shorten waiting lists, and we all want a workforce that isn’t overstretched and that has the right skills to respond effectively to all our diverse populations.

Even though this particular version of the dream with the Māori Health Authority is coming to an end, as Minister I want to paint a new one, one that is outcomes-focused, driven by need, and with decisions made closer to the home and hapū....
See full article HERE

Critics blinded by privilege says Peters
New Zealand First Leader and Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters says getting rid of the Māori Health Authority Te Aka Whai Ora is the right thing to do.

“This idea you could take all this money and throw it at a group of people and they’ll deliver when the outcomes were actually disastrous is just so wrong. I hear these people making these statements and they are always in a position of enormous privilege but they’re not out there in the villages and hamlets and the streets of this country where ordinary Maori people in particular or for that matter Pasifika or other people of New Zealand are looking for decent healthcare and colour doesn’t matter – delivery does,” he says.

Te Aka Whai Ora took over $500 million in contracts and programmes, which must now be transferred back to Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora to manage......
See full article HERE

Pākehā asked to be aware as demand for te reo grows

Thursday February 29, 2024 

Bill to disestablish Māori Health Authority passes third reading 
Parliament has passed the legislation to abolish the Māori Health Authority.

Under urgency, the first two readings passed with support of the three coalition parties on Tuesday.

With debate ending for the night at 10pm, further debate and a vote on the third reading took place on Wednesday morning, passing 68 votes to 54.....
See full article HERE

Māori health claimants driving ideological agenda
New Zealand First Minister Shane Jones says the Waitangi Tribunal was foolish to schedule an urgent hearing into a policy the Government was elected on.

Mr Jones says Te Aka Whai Ora is something Labour believed would deliver massive benefits for Maori health – but New Zealand First backs Heath Minister Shane Reti’s view that the answers lie in more innovation and intervention at the front line.

“This notion that 365 bureaucrats managing contracts in a central government entity is going to turn around Maori health stats, it speaks volumes about the ideological agenda of the people that are trying to misuse the Waitangi Tribunal to lecture the Government. The Waitangi Tribunal is a recommendatory body. It has no authority to gainsay the electoral mandate of the parties that currently comprise the Government,” he says......
See full article HERE

Wairaki / Lynfield Reserve – signed, sealed and delivered
The return of the ancestral name to one of Puketāpapa’s most popular parks has been celebrated with a ceremony unveiling signage bearing the new dual name Wairaki / Lynfield Reserve.

It’s the first park in Puketāpapa to have its returned name signposted. In 2022, Puketāpapa Local Board formally adopted traditional Māori names for 17 parks which have been given dual names.

The return of traditional names to the whenua (land) helps to raise visibility of te reo Māori and restore mana and mauri to the land......
See full article HERE

Associate Health Minister Casey Costello got warning of possible Treaty of Waitangi breach over smokefree law repeal
Associate Health Minister Casey Costello was warned that scrapping the smokefree law would be viewed as a breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.

Article Two of the Treaty guarantees “active protection of taonga, including wellbeing”, health officials told Costello.

“The right to be smokefree is entrenched in Te Tiriti o Waitangi,” the advice to Costello said. “Removing measures that were modelled to reverse inequity and improve health and wellbeing by changing the broader environment to support people to quit, to stay quit and to never start to smoke is likely to be viewed as a breach of Te Tiriti.”....
See full article HERE

Starship hires dedicated team to improve healthcare experiences for tamariki
Auckland Children’s Hospital, Starship, has launched a dedicated team to cater to Māori cultural needs.

Te Ringa Atawhai will have specialist staff that will cater to whānau Māori using the paediatric Intensive care unit.

Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora Māori health Starship director Toni Shepherd says the programme is part of their child health strategy and will consist of five specialist roles.....
See full article HERE

Tauranga Māori look at strategic voting
For the past three years the city has been run by commissioners, but the previous council had voted narrowly to set up a Māori ward.

Buddy Mikaere says with one Māori seat guaranteed, many Māori are considering switching to general roll.

“So the korero going around is why don’t a lot of us come off the Maori roll because we are guaranteed a Maori sea anyway, go onto the general roll, vote in the local elections and then go onto the Maori roll after to see if we can get more Maori into council,” he says.....
See full article HERE

Dr Michael Bassett: TV One still doesn't get the message

Kaumātua says plan to dump Māori Health Authority will deprive Māori

Most voters unconcerned about race debate, Sir John Key believes

Outrage At Undemocratic Use Of ‘Urgency’ By Government To Scrap The Maori Health Authority

This is one of the darkest weeks in New Zealand politics for Te Ao Māori - Willie Jackson

Urgently Axing The Māori Health Authority Undermines Te Tiriti Partnership

Jan Tinetti fears Māori kura upgrades could face the axe under the new school razor regime

Ngāti Kahungunu iwi leader Bayden Barber slams Government over disestablishment of Māori Health Authority  

Wednesday February 28, 2024 

Reshaping the health system to bring Māori health closer to home 
Legislation that will disestablish the Māori Health Authority will be introduced in Parliament today, heralding the start of a new vision for Māori health says Minister of Health Dr Shane Reti.

“We have said we will bring healthcare for all New Zealanders closer to the home and closer to the community. This will serve Māori and non-Māori well,” Dr Reti says.

“The Pae Ora (Disestablishment of the Māori Health Authority) Amendment Bill takes a narrow focus on the changes needed to disestablish the Māori Health Authority.

“By the end of March, all remaining roles and functions will transfer to Health New Zealand – Te Whatu Ora and the Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora under the Health Sector (Transfers) Act 1993. The Authority will be officially disestablished by 30 June 2024......
See full article HERE

Health Minister to reveal Māori Health Authority replacement details during debate
"You'll see this, through the legislation, that there are parts of the pae ora which I have retained - like the Hauora Māori Advisory Committee, whose counsel I have found wise to date, already, actually, and in fact I'll be powering them up to do even more."....
See full article HERE

Māori veterans to tell tribunal how badly they were treated in the military
This stage of the Waitangi Tribunal-based hearing aims to provide an opportunity for more veterans to share their stories and air grievances that will help tell an official narrative of Māori experiences in the military.

The aim is to ensure they and current serving personnel are supported as the Treaty intended.

It is specifically looking into tikanga and te reo Māori within Te Ope Kātua o Aotearoa (New Zealand Defence Force).

It aims to investigate the Crown’s actions and policies for Māori veterans who served in the New Zealand military forces, examining whether these actions and policies were in breach of the Treaty of Waitangi.

He says the Defence Force has changed in recent decades as it has become infused with Māori culture to become the entity known as Ngāti Tūmatauenga....
See full article HERE

Revolutionary iwi partnership aims to elevate dementia care
With the aim to reshape mate wareware or dementia care within Māori communities, a transformative partnership between Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi and the University of Auckland's Centre for Brain Research (CBR), is set to launch in Northland, Aotearoa.

The groundbreaking initiative will weave in tikanga Māori to address the pressing need for culturally appropriate dementia care while navigating the sacred essence of the head, a cornerstone of Māori belief. Recognising the tapu nature of the head, partnership with Māori is imperative to explore avenues for enhancing mate wareware care for Māori kaumātua and their whānau....
See full article HERE

Experts clash over integrating mātauranga Māori into education in heated AM interview
Two experts have clashed over the introduction of the indigenous knowledge of Māori into the school curriculum in a heated AM interview.

Labour was open to introducing the concept into the classroom - however, an open letter from one of the Government's new advisors is against it entering sciences.

One of the signatories on the public letter, Senior Statistics Lecturer David Lillis, joined AM alongside Sir Ian.

He hit back at Sir Ian's point and told AM he isn't against indigenous knowledge being added to some subjects, but science should not be one of them.....
See full article HERE

Lushington D. Brady: Who Needs Reason When You Have Ungabunga?

Rich learnings from international exchanges of Indigenous people - Dr Moana Eruera

Partnership reflects Treaty: iwi

Scrapping Māori Health Authority tramples over Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Māori Health Authority to be disestablished – Expert Reaction

Kura Māori at risk of losing spot on building list

Axing Māori Health Authority before hearing 'disrespectful' — expert

Shutting Down Jurisdiction Of Waitangi Tribunal “Power Play” By Crown  

Tuesday February 27, 2024 

Iwi keen on skifield rescue role 
Central North Island iwi are opposing the granting of a concession to a company seeking to operate the Tūroa skifield.

Pure Tūroa Limited will need a concession from the Department of Conservation if it is to go ahead with its bid to acquire skifield assets from the liquidators of Ruapehu Alpine Lifts.

But Aiden Gilbert, the chair of Te Korowai o Wainuiārua Trust, says it has an offer on the table of $1 for the Whakapapa and Tūroa ski-fields.

He hopes the new Government, especially the new Conservation Minister, Tama Potaka – who is from Taranaki-Whanganui – may have a different view than its predecessor on the long term future of the ski-fields.....
See full article HERE

Mānuka Charitable Trust Says Amendments To The Geographical Indications Act Are Self-sabotage
The Mānuka Charitable Trust believes the hastily drafted and truncated hearing process for the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee on the European Union Free Trade Agreement Legislation Amendment Bill, contravenes protections under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and key iwi settlement legislation.

The Trust objected to the content of the Bill, at a special hearing of the Committee last Friday.....
See full article HERE

Better primary care could extend Māori life expectancy
The chief medical officer for Te Aka Whai Ora says the first ever health status report for Māori shows the importance of delivering services that meet the needs of Māori.

Dr Rawiri McKree Jansen says there were positives like the sharp decline in Māori smoking rates, especially among the very few young.

The Māori population is also growing, and 30 percent of births are likely to be Māori by the end of the decade....
See full article HERE

Whangārei iwi ‘livid’ at decision to build homes on wāhi tapu
Iwi say all bets are off and all avenues of protest are on the table.

Local iwi Ngāti Kahu o Torongare and Te Parawhau says they are horrified at a decision by an independent commissioner to allow the building of a housing project on land the iwi say is sacred.

The application by Onoke Heights Ltd is for a 6.8ha proposed Ōnoke Heights development that would run along Dip Rd in Kamo, Whangārei and include 93 houses, a 5m retaining wall, and approximately 134,349 m3 of earthworks.

Taki Kingi of Ngāti Kahu o Torongare says the iwi will do anything and everything to stop the development from going ahead, including occupying the area.

“That’s the whole point of occupation. We aren’t going to come here, put our flag up, and go home. No.”....
See full article HERE

Poll: Half of NZers say they don't understand Treaty principles
A new 1News Verian poll shows a slim majority of people, around 52%, are not confident in their understanding of the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.

The poll, which ran from February 10 to 14, asked 1002 eligible voters: "How well do you understand the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi?"

Of the respondents, 40% said "not that well", 10% said "not at all well" and 2% did not know or refused to answer.

Meanwhile, just 12% responded "very well", but 36% said "well".....
See full article HERE

Waste of time and energy': Gang patch crackdown criticised

Ngāi Tahu Relationship With Tiwai A Model For Others  

Monday February 26, 2024 

'Political gimmick': Law professor reacts to Govt anti-gang laws 
The announcement of the coalition Government's long-touted anti-gang laws has been met with a mixed reaction, with Labour describing it as "impractical" and a law professor labelling it a "political gimmick".

Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith and Police Minister Mark Mitchell announced today that gang patches would be banned in public, and police would be given extra powers to stop gang members congregating under new legislation.

Māori and Pasifika men would likely be disproportionally affected, she said....
See full article HERE

Sandra Goudie: Waitangi Tribunal – time to go!

Barrie Davis: I Lift My Pen…

Kevin: On to te End Game  

Sunday February 25, 2024 

Rift with Gisborne Mayor causes iwi to withdraw from unity agreement and summit 
The chief executive of Te Aitanga a Māhaki says he, and his iwi, have cut off all future engagement with Gisborne Mayor Rehette Stoltz.

The reluctance to work with the mayor was effective immediately as Te Aho withdrew the iwi presence from the "Tairāwhiti Tomorrow Together" summit yesterday.

"We will work with the council, just not the mayor," Te Aho told The Gisborne Herald.

"As far as we're concerned, [the council takes] the place of the Crown in terms of local government activities, and Te Tiriti o Waitangi means we must be an active partner."....
See full article HERE

‘Engineered to remove right of our people’: Iwi leaders critical of Govt over Te Aka Whai Ora timeline
The Iwi Chairs Forum has hit out at the coalition government’s timeline to disestablish the Māori Health Authority, Te Aka Whai Ora, after the Crown filed a memorandum with the Waitangi Tribunal announcing it will introduce legislation to Parliament as early as Tuesday.

“There has been no communication of what the alternative will be, there has been no engagement with our whānau, hapū and iwi hauora providers on the alternative,” Iwi Chairs Forum Pou Tangata co-chair Rahui Papa said Friday.

Papa said the Crown’s actions are dishonourable and a contemporary breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.....
See full article HERE

Gary Judd KC: Treaty of Waitangi "principles"

Gary Judd KC: Defining Principles of Treaty is not Rewriting the Treaty

Gary Judd KC: Treaty of Waitangi “principles” — only one text

Fellow real estate agents tell Harcourts’ Janet Dickson she might learn something from Te Kākano course

Māori led research needed to better understand poverty determinants - Meihana Durie 

This Breaking Views Update monitors race relations in the media on a weekly basis. New material is added regularly. If you would like to send Letters to the Editor in response to any of these articles, most media addresses can be found HERE


Robert Arthur said...

indirectly related to any of the above, but strongly recommend BV addicts view the current Platform episodes Michael Law on the msm and Ron Mark on local government. It would be great the hear Laws on RNZ but presumably he is too busy to suffer the indoctrination from them too.

Anonymous said...

I saw the report on the sunday show. There are only 2 full time cops where there used to be 12 in opotoki. So that's why the gangs run the town..It was really shocking. They will never get the gangs there to remove their patches. Under labour these gangs hsve been allowed to take over.

Robert Arthur said...

Hopefully the 48% who understand the Treaty principles will explain them to me. Many have an understanding but as the principles are undefined cannot have the understanding. Many maori profess to have an understanding which others who also profess to understand, resolutely dispute. An interesting statistic as a measure of delusion.

Anonymous said...

Why do maori need a separate healrh system anyway? We are all part of the same human race and have the same organs and potential health concerns. Every person in nz has access to hospitals and limited gp services. So what is their argunent anyway? None of the activists ever say.

Anonymous said...

Re the science classes, this is dumbed down garbage that will give kids a 3rd world education. Nz will have to bring in independant international schools like they have in other 3rd world countries, if parents want their kids to have a 1st world education.

Robert Arthur said...

re 28th.It is a pity mps dismantling the Maori Health Authority do not and cannot speak with the vehemence of the maori opposers. They would win over even more of the public but would be called racists and cancelled. A myriad criticisms spring to mind. The public is justified to expect value for expenditure. With pro maori throughout and whanau, hapu, iwi, race tikanga/te ao nepotism obligations and easy going maori ways, auditing would have been a nightmare. With most/all staff supporters of Labour and Te Pati policy there will be positive disincentive to encourage responsible birth rate, the basis of very many maori problems. With maori especially pandered to, there would have been even less incentive for them to take personal action to conserve health. Incredibly some staff profess they did not see the end coming.

I am concerned to read the military are embracing maori culture. Would need to lie very low if any friendly maori patrols in the vicinity and you chance to be first living person the patrol likely to encounter.

The notion that dumbing education to appeal to maori will benefit them is a proven mis direction. It was the argument for the NCEA disaster. Maori youth are not so gullible as to think matauranga shaped the modern world, or that maori navigators were in the league of Cook. The same vast effort and expenditure applied to School Cert could have got very many more through, of all cultures. The biggest benefit for maori would be streaming. Many would then not feel overwhelmed and go ram raiding instead.

Traditional maori practised infanticide, esp of females. I have not come across any record of how they handled dementia. Many forgetful te ao errors earned a cleft skull. Probably for pounding fern root it was OK. And there were no toilets to forget to flush.

robert Arthur said...

re 29th. I have been familiar with west Auckland for 50 years but have never heard of Puketapapa.

It is not clear if the race based race orientated Starship team replaces or augments other staff. Presumably it is not an unpaid voluntary organisation.
With extended families maori already have the huge advantage of being able to spread the task of visiting over many, whereas it can be very taxing for small industrious fully employed families.

Whilst maori can be very artful and cunning (ie the surreptitious transformation of the Treaty) they can also be remarkably frank. Relatively simple Mikaere has spelld out the basic flaw of dedicated race based maori seats, whether in parliamnt or local bodies. Whilst candidates are all utra pro maori any one will do so only one vote is required. All other potential voters can flick to the General Roll and plug for other blatantly pro maori anti colonist candidates there, thus acheiving very disproportionate representation.

Anonymous said...

"My vision for Māori health is based on needs and outcomes, not bureaucracy", said Shane Reti.

Well this just confirms this coalition government still supports APARTHEID.

What you should have said Mr Reti is,"My vision for New Zealanders health is based on needs and outcomes, not bureaucracy".

Robert Arthur said...

re 2 Mar. The "maori business" stipulation is/was blatant apartheid. Incredibly, thanks to msm capture and bias, it received little attention and was not known to most. But effectively the same condition still also applies to a myriad consultation and co operative situations.
Without knowing the extent and cost of maori pandering in Wanganui it is difficult to judge, but policy may not attract non maori outsiders to a pleasant and reasonably cheap (if quake and flood prone) city.