
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Cam Slater: Dying in the Dark? Oh Please!

As delightful as the demise of the media has been, there seems to be a narrative building, especially from those same media people who failed to read the room, that somehow democracy is dying in the dark because media companies are failing.

It is as histrionic as it is false. It’s as if they’ve forgotten that media has always changed, from the time regular pamphleteers organised and started to build modern publications, to the spread of news that came with cheap and available printing methodologies, to the advent of radio and television and finally the internet.

To say democracy is dying in the dark because some legacy media companies failed to adapt is like proclaiming the news will never be the same (yes that was claimed) when the so-called mother of the nation, Judy Bailey, was given the @r$e card.

Of course, the news didn’t change, really, they just exchanged one face for another.

But let’s look seriously at all the claims about democracy dying in the dark.

The reality is that people have changed their viewing habits. If I’m not watching the six o’clock news, and I am a news junkie, then that says it all. Mostly the “news” they deliver is several days old, I’ve already read it elsewhere from far more reputable sources, and it is heavily slanted to woke or left-wing perspectives which don’t reflect what the viewing public believes.

Then there is the way that the media have behaved pushing extremely small minority views like they actually mean something. Think about how many LGBT+ alphabet people you actually know…it’s a small number right? Yet the media companies are filled with them…and they push the gay agenda. The same goes for the even smaller “trans community”. Yet from what is pushed you’d think that they were a huge part of the population. Most Kiwis think trans folk are FITH. Pushing tiny little agendas just leads people to think that the media aren’t on the same page as you.

What is incredible, however, is media people crying that losing their jobs is a dagger at the heart of democracy. It’s not.

But you know what was a dagger at the heart of democracy? Sucking up to the Labour Government during Covid, attacking people for daring to think for themselves, running the Government’s attack lines, demonising people, othering them and at the same time not questioning what was an effective coup via locking down most of cabinet around the nation and abrogating human rights at the same time. The media, mostly, went along with and cheered and clapped as Jacinda Ardern turned legislation upside down and inside out and bribed the media with an ironically named Public Interest Journalism Fund that had strings attached and penalties for failing to adhere to the promulgated and anti-historic views of her Government. Our democracy died when Ardern took over and then bribed the media into compliance and then silence.

The media stood and cheered when the strong arm of the state forcibly removed people who were at parliament simply to be heard. They sat up in the parliament buildings filming from safety, they attacked and demonised the protestors, and clapped and cheered as Jacinda Ardern’s stormtroopers beat and bludgeoned people into a brutal silence and submission. They said nothing; they did nothing. They became propagandists, not the fourth estate.

If you put all that together, then what you get is a precipitous and sudden collapse of trust in media. Quelle surprise!

The media mostly blame their audience, and social media companies for that collapse in trust. They are in denial. They refuse to acknowledge that they did it to themselves, and seem genuinely perplexed that the general public is cheering at their demise, and not giving them any sympathy whatsoever.

You see when trust goes, it goes forever, and no amount of government subsidies or bailouts will ever get it back. It’s gone.

The legacy media goose is cooked and they walked that goose into the oven themselves. They only have themselves to blame, and as a consequence, they’ll be like buggy whip manufacturers after the advent of the motorcar, or bowyers and fletchers after the invention of gunpowder.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. Cam blogs regularly on the BFD - where this article was sourced.


Anna Mouse said...

The ambassadors of the demise of the media are the media themselves.

When they say that the news has changed they are right but the change was theirs.

They changed from curating and reporting news to curating and creating views about the news based upon their allegiance to single narrative.

Once their audience saw that they had aligned themselves to social, political and envionmental niche stories and in NZ to the idea that the TOW is somehow a partnership and that their alignment was out of line with their viewers, those viewers stopped viewing.

It is simple yet they seem so, so blinded by their arrogant ideology that they are always right...

As Mike McRoberts recounted to his ex-wife last week....and I paraphrase: People will always have their opinions....but they are wrong!

Kiwialan said...

Cam , most average New Zealanders are celebrating the downfall of the woke racist left wing MSM. After 6 years of their bullshit, lies and racist Labour propaganda we, the people, are absolutely over it. Luxon needs to get off his woke fence and stop giving taxpayer's hard earnt money to any media, if they can't survive in the real world they shouldn't be there. All the socialist left wing racist voters can watch the government funded maori channels to practice their te reo. All right wing supporters should phone, email or go and see their local MP to remind them of their obligations to their employers. Kiwialan.

Anonymous said...

Cam, it's unlike you to be so nice and reasoned! :p

The sooner Tvnz and NHub disappear the better this country will be for it.

The rapid demise of this country under labour is disturbing. Assisted by the purchased media Ardern and Co ran amok. I have to suggest that the left leaning education regime also needs very close scrutiny and a clean out much like the media.

I'm loving the fall out and the squealing from these institutions.

Hey Cam, can someone get to the bottom of the hurricanes latest debacle. (Perhaps you, although i did suggest Heather duplessis allen) do a follow up story. Depending on who you believe, they ignored mgmts requests and went and did another ' f you' haka. I'm assuming the players run the hurricanes, as management appear useless and unable to do anything. So, while I say this tongue in cheek, there is probably a bit of truth in my recommendation - I can save the hurricanes millions....just get rid of the exec and management team, they clearly don't have control over their employees!! Waiting to see what transpires this weekend

Anonymous said...

I am reminded that the police were going to pay Cam Slater a visit for publishing government view points. The country was in a dangerous place back then.

Anonymous said...

An aside, not only the Hurricanes management needs a shake up but so do the haka performers as well. They may find audiences falling away and they may find themselves damaging women’s sport. No way I would go near them. Just saying.