
Monday, March 11, 2024

Chuck Bird: Open Letter - The vicious assault on a 70 year old woman breaking her eye socket

Open Letter To:

The Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister

The Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister

The Hon David Seymour, Leader of the Act Party

The Hon Mark Mitchell, Minister of Police

The Hon Casey Costello, Minister for Seniors

Dear Ministers,

This email is to the three party leaders, the Minister of Police and the Minister for Seniors.

I would hope that all of you would be familiar with the case of a woman now 71 being assaulted by a 20 year old man who got discharged without conviction and granted permanent name suppression.

Below is a link to a Herald article

Auckland Posie Parker protest: Police look into name suppression order breaches on social media

Below is a link to the grandmother being interviewed by Bob McCoskrie

McBLOG: Meet the grandmother who was punched in the head

I realize that MPs are not meant to criticize the Court.  My issue is with the Police and not the Court.

It is highly unlikely that any violence would have happened if the police had done their job on the day let alone an assault on an elderly woman that could have been fatal.

The Police should have been at the barrier as the victim, Judith Hobson says in the interview with Bob McCoskrie.

There is plenty more evidence that the Police were not doing their job which I could supply.

The Police tried to have the whole matter dropped in Gisborne, where the offender lived according to Leo Malloy.  He believes that a transgender cop named Rhona Stace was involved.

Free Speech Fridays #60 - Alistair Boyce & Leo Molloy

You can hear Molloy mention his name just after 5 minutes.

The assault on James Shaw

The man who assaulted Shaw inflicting about the same injury around the eye as to Judith Hobson received 9 months jail.  I have not been able to find out if he was convicted of common assault or something more serious like aggravated assault.

Male assaults female

The charge male assaults female carries double the penalty of common assault.  I am generally against the charge of male assaults female as I think with the number of violent females I think it is sexist.  However, if there were to be a case for the charge of male assaults female this would be such a case.

The charges were laid under the previous government so I hope that will not be the case in future.  I hope the Minister for Seniors will look at a change of law replacing male assaults female with assault on a vulnerable person like in Australia and other jurisdictions.

I note that the leaders of Act and NZF are not happy with the sentence and were unhappy with the attack on free speech by not protecting the women at the event where Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull spoke.  ACT and NZF support women’s spaces, fairness in women’s sports and the protection of children making decisions about their bodies that they may later regret. 

I am not sure about National’s position on all these issues.

I will post this letter online and any response I receive.

Kind regards,
Chuck Bird

Chuck Bird is a keen follower of politics. 


LNF said...

This sentence invites retribution

Rob Beechey said...

Can you imagine the outrage if one of the precious rainbow nazis was assaulted. The woke bench would hardly be able to hold back from delivering excessive retribution.

Anonymous said...

Something is very rotten in the state that was once NZ.

Who is behind all these woke officials?

Anonymous said...

What does Chloe say?

Kawena said...

That the man who attacked the woman and gets off free is a worry. Any man who does that to a woman is a coward, pure and simple!

Tom Logan said...

Well done Mr Bird, fantastic work. I look forward to hearing about the replies to your correspondence.

It is as if our society has become oblivious to such goings on. Well they are so very common these days. And indeed we get threats of organised mass violence from certain factions within our elected Parliamentarians. Just as well that mob didn't get re-elected.

I read in the press recently a father and son from Germany touring NZ on motorbikes they had brought with them had one of those bikes stolen in Nuhaka, on the East Coast. They spotted the thief with the bike and the police retrieved it .But the police refused to press charges.

And earlier I read how an American woman tourist had ended her campervan tour early after repeated issues of violence and intimidation to her and damage and theft from her van. And again the police did nothing.

And a gang shuts down Opotiki and the police just stand and watch for a week till the gang decides to leave. Well done Ginny Anderson, well done Coster.

The average Kiwi just doesn't realise much of the even slightly remote parts of NZ are a very scary place for tourists or even Kiwi's now.

Well done Ginny Anderson. And she thinks she deserved to be Minister of Police. And Andrew Coster thinks he's a competent Chef of Police. He's simply deluded.

And all the MSM can do is pile in on Mark Mitchell when he says things are going to change.

I bet the police would have piled in on a bunch of 71 year old woman bashing some trans woman [aka a man in a dress]. They'd have piled in on them boots and all.

Just the way they did in Parliament gardens. Well done Coster.

One of the best things about Mark Mitchell he knows he's got a strong majority of NZ supporting him.

Hazel Modisett said...

We now know why our police are so useless.
They dont get paid enough to put themselves in danger.
How can we expect them to tackle the gangs, when they refuse to arrest a bunch of cross dressing homosexuals ?
What an embarrassment...

Mike L. said...

It is surely no coincidence that Coster is related to Ardern, who has left her mark of insanity in many places. Time action was taken to remove such marks, but we cannot expect Coster to do it. Time to replace Coster, and all of those other supposedly "public servants" who refuse to follow the wishes of the New Zealand populace which were so clearly expressed in the last General Election. And as a separate matter, why does there appear to be no way that the present government can reverse those payments still being made under the PJIC legislation? Surely a new act can simply reverse that obvious bribery?

Murray Reid said...

Chuck, if you and I and about 10,000 other fair minded people named the coward from Gisborne would we be charged with breaking a court order?
I for one would risk it and ask for a jury trial. I am sure a "givealittle" page would cover the legal fees.

Anonymous said...

Molloy mentions the name of Lal the stirring radical transgender person that the MSM delight in giving publicity to. He doesn't name the perpetrator of this assault.