
Monday, March 18, 2024

Clive Bibby: Apocalypse Now

First the bad news.

As a species, we appear to be at a stage where a number of international conflicts that have the capacity to involve the whole world are the precursor to a war that could destroy us all.

The Nuclear option in the hands of maniacs who have no sense of humanity in the way they promote their own selfish interests is an alarming, undeniable feature of what is at stake here on planet Earth.

But the zealots promoting their own ideological persuasion are just as frightening when it comes to building resistance that might save us from ourselves.

And it isn’t just that their persistent dismissal of those who offer alternative views is in itself a threat to civilisation continued existence - it is the pigeon holing of groups in society considered to be past their “use by” date.

You know - if you don’t fit the categories that are regarded as essential in order to comment on matters that affect us all. We are either too old or too young or haven’t gained a degree at the right universities or haven’t adhered to the popular line of thinking in a Woke Society where all are supposed to be equal although some are obviously more equal than others.

In fact this type of effete snobbery is damaging our ability to mount a credible response should our country or way of life be threatened in the future.

And it is getting worse.

As long as those who interact with their fellow human beings in a manner that presumes an exaggerated sense of entitlement, the longer it will be before we can make use of all the resources at our disposal.

When the call goes out for all hands to man the pumps, those groups who have been deliberately alienated from society simply because they no longer fit the “chosen one’s criteria for membership, will not respond and our combined effort will be diminished as a result.

They can’t have it both ways.

In a shrinking world where boundaries are no longer as secure as they once were, we will need all the help we can get in order to repel the invader when it appears salivating at our puny defence arrangements.

The musketeers’ famous refrain of “all for one and one for all” is more appropriate today than it has ever been .

In what remains of the free world, every life has a value and has a right to be heard in the corridors of where the decisions are being made on our behalf.

You ignore that truism at your peril.

I write this column as one approaching the twilight years.

Yet l still see numerous opportunities for making meaningful contributions to the communities where we live. In most cases age has little to do with the success or otherwise of a good idea. You just need vision and persistence and those are qualities  that will remain until the day we die - depending of course on whether we retain our marbles until the “grim reaper” knocks on the door.

It may surprise you to hear how effective even old buggers like me can be if you persist with ideas whose time has come.

Forget the roadblocks that are deliberately put there to prohibit certain sections of society from leading the change that must happen.

We will only ever be limited by our own perception of our personal ability to make it happen.

That’s the good news.

Clive Bibby is a commentator, consultant, farmer and community leader, who lives in Tolaga Bay.


Margaret said...

Thank you Clive for your article.

We retirees are needed more than ever before to speak out in whatever way we can .
Blogs are a Godsend and more of our age should be contributing to them as the least we can do in these very troubled times.

In my family people contributed most to society from 70 years old on wards. The years before this were just preparation it would seem for doing their main life work.

Tom Logan said...

I see Donald Trump, bastion of the free world is in a spot of bother at the moment. He's short of about a billion $Kiwi right now.

He didn't really mean it when he said Putin could do what he likes with Western Europe.

He knows he's got a lot of friends up Tologa Bay way so if you start a collection let me know and I'll chip in $50.00.

Clive Bibby said...

Hang on a minute Tom
I think you’ll find l didn’t mention Trump once in my piece. It was meant to be about the discourse we should all be having based on facts.
So it is difficult to understand how anybody could take your attempt to associate me with the former President seriously.
Others have tried but failed dismally. Ask Ewan McGregor.
Also please try to correctly spell place names especially when using the Te Reo equivalent.
eg. Tolaga Bay is known locally and before Cook’s time as Uawa.
Nobody seems to know why or how the district was named Tolaga Bay but the popular theory is that the English version was lost in translation
during the first encounters.

Tom Logan said...

Brian , thank you for pointing out my incorrect spelling of Tolaga Bay. I did own a property up that way ,I do know better, but thank you.

I do think Ewan McGregor was always your match, simply had differing points of view to yours.

You did always seem to be a big supporter of Trump, The US and the President are always regarded as the defenders of the free world.

I know you argued that the election was stolen from him and that none of the charges would stick. Well they have stuck , to the tune of about a billion $Kiwi now, and rising. And maybe despite all these outrageous misfortunes of Mr Trump you may have thought or hoped he would win this time.

Well in defense of all Western Liberal Democracies and in a shared spirit of anti-woke, anti effete snobbery, all hands to the pumps, all for one and one for all, and my own personal responsibility for making it happen, if you are passing the plate round in Tolaga Bay for Mr Trump I'll make my offer a $100.

And if you ask Ewan McGregor I bet he will too !

Clive Bibby said...

Actually Tom, your mischievous crediting of predictions about the likely outcome of the Trump outrageous charges to me is just (like Ewan McGregor) simply wishful thinking on your part .
I have certainly claimed (like 70 million American legal voters) that the 2020 election was stolen and the Congressional investigations are proving that to be true. The other false allegations you and Ewan continue to make suggesting l am a Trump admirer is also untrue.
I have always said that, because all presidents arrive on the job with baggage (dare l mention the Clinton and JFK extramarital activities which hardly put them up there as paragons of virtue) the only way that a fair assessment of their respective capabilities can be made is to
compare them based on their performance in the job they were elected to do - to keep the population safe physically and economically.
On that basis alone Trump compares more than favourably with almost all of his predecessors going back to Reagan and certainly much better than the hapless Biden.
And in that context, that is why there is a ground shift in voter preference happening at present in the US. Most intelligent people, including large groups of the previously non aligned sectors - Blacks, Hispanics, Independents, The Young, are leaving the Democratic Party in droves simply because they see the Biden administration as the corrupt, disingenuous bunch of betrayers they really are.
Don’t take my word for it or continue to distort my position as my many critics chose to do.
Just read the remaining authoritative independent commentators in the otherwise Woke MSM.
They’ll give you all the evidence you need that times are changing - let’s hope for the better.

Clive ( not Brian)

Clive Bibby said...

You appear to be suffering from the Trump Hater Syndrome that is associated in this country with your friend and colleague - The GrandMaster Ewan McGregor himself.
The first and most obvious symptom is a penchant for deliberately exaggerating the position of a Trump supporter to the extent that it becomes a lie.
While Ewan can certainly claim membership of that fraternity - he repeatedly refers to me as a Trump Admirer which is patently untrue and simply a figment of his imagination. Who knows what goes on within the confines of that tortured soul.
You on the other have only referred to me as a “supporter” which is a fact.
However, for the sake of readers, it is important that l justify my membership solely on the facts surrounding my decision to become one.
Given that every President elected to the position of “Defender of the Free World” arrives with baggage (JFK and Bill Clinton’s extramarital activities hardly put them up there as paragons of virtue) that simply demonstrates their shared identity as failed human beings with the rest of us, it is virtually impossible to make fair comparisons with their contemporaries, either predecessors or successors, other than to assess their respective performances in the job they were elected to do - keep the citizens safe both physically and economically.
So, by using that yardstick alone, it is becoming increasingly obvious to a growing number of eligible US voters that Donald Trump’s Presidency was a far better experience than the ones overseen by most of his predecessors going back to Ronald Reagan and certainly much better than the corrupt and hapless Biden .
This growing awareness is also proving the “falsely attributed to me” prediction that the outrageous charges against Trump would fail to be a pretty wise assessment although only time will tell as to whether they can make any of the charges stick.
They are collapsing like flies which is obviously causing panic amongst the Democrats facing a massive defeat.
Their only hope appears to be that Joe Biden will remove himself from the scene in time to pick an alternative candidate - fat chance.
The other symptom that does appear to have affected your ability to operate rationally is your declining cognitive state - Biden sufferers from the full blown disease.
You have just forgotten my name - it is Clive, not Brian.

Ewan McGregor said...

Well, Tom’s idea of Clive taking the hat around Tolaga Bay – oops, Uawa – drew a chuckle. However, I see that Clive has mentioned me in dispatches, claiming that I have ‘failed dismally to associate’ him with Trump. I’m a sucker for a challenge.
A search ‘Trump Bibby’ under this newsletter gets 19 hits since 2019. Consistently the theme has been one of support, if not admiration of Donald Trump. He’s in the thrall of the guy! He (Clive) dismisses any critic as a “Trump hater”. He diminishes Trump’s appalling moral conduct as “indiscretions”, and “not your favorite uncle”. He claims that Trump won the election, but corrupt Biden with the corrupt DOJ stole it, but he also claims that had the voters known what is on Hunter Biden’s laptop, Trump would have won, rather than Biden, who did. So, two stings to the bow. Both can’t be right, but both can be wrong. He dismisses the Clintons (crooks), Obama (appeaser) Biden, (clown, cognitive decline, corrupt) and even Roosevelt, the greatest president on the 20th century as ‘Responsible for the Cold War, no question’. Got that? No question! Again, playing around is okay, because Kennedy did it. No matter that he has been dead for 60 years, having given his life for his country. And there’s no evidence that it was with a porn star. JFK had style. But Trump? He can do no wrong.
My View; The re-election of Trump would be catastrophic. He will take the U S out of NATO, leaving democratic Europe vulnerable to Putin, garrote US trade with tariffs, release his supporters now in jail where they belong, and jail his critics. The prospects are alarming.
It is not just Trump who is not named in Clive’s current piece. Look at the language he uses to tell us how bad things are: “Maniacs selfish interest, zealots, snobbery, exaggerated sense of entitlement, deliberately alienated from society, salivating at our puny defence, roadblocks that are deliberately put there”. This is pretty heady stuff, but no one, group or body is identified. Not one. We can’t rate his argument because we don’t who he is talking about? Does he know?

Tom Logan said...

Well spoken Ewan. I reckon it's even odds that Trump will be bankrupt , out of the race , a convicted criminal and in jail before voting even starts in the US Presedential election.

We look forward to the Scribe from Tolaga Bay's epistle at that time!

Trump would obviously be a good candidate for Labour, the Green or the Maori Party.

For East Coast!

Clive Bibby said...

So much for arguing against what l did or have said.
My clear simple argument in defence of my decision to support (not idealise) the former President is that his record compares more than favourably with most of his predecessors and certainly his successor, the crooked Biden.
I have chosen my descriptive comments regarding Trump’s contemporaries carefully and l stand by those comments because their records suggest that they are accurate portrayals as opposed to the fantasy land references Ewan uses in support of the other Presidents.
One must ask why Ewan ignores the main content of my piece in his response.
Most rational readers will not be persuaded by the colourful false portrait of me being posted by him at every turn.
I’m a grown up (actually quite an old one) but l’m not deterred by any of this rubbish, child like, reaction to my honestly held opinions.
I am confident that the readers of this column will support my version of how we should use this privileged opportunity to share ideas.

Moderator said...

I suggest this discussion changes course as it is becoming too personalised and that makes my 'Delete' finger itchy........

Clive Bibby said...

Alarming prospects are only of concern if they become reality. Other wise they are pure fantasy.
Ewan McGregor can pontificate all he likes but the likelihood of any of his PREDICTIONS coming to pass are about equivalent to me becoming Prime Minister.
Next we’ll probably hear that, if Trump wins, Ewan will emigrate to the country that Robert de Niro, Whoopi Goldberg and Alec Baldwin promised to become citizens of in protest. Mind you, Baldwin may already be in jail so may not be in a position to escape.

Ewan McGregor said...

Moderator, I don't consider my comments are personalised at all.

Ewan McGregor said...

"Alarming prospects are only of concern if they become reality. Other wise they are pure fantasy." So Hitler's rearmament only became of concern when he marched on Poland. That makes Churchill's consistent anti-appeasement oratory "pure fantasy". History seems to consider it otherwise.