
Sunday, March 17, 2024

David Farrar: $800k for Jacinda hagiography documentary

Stuff reports:

The New Zealand Film Commission is putting $800,000 towards a documentary about former Prime Minister Dame Jacinda Ardern.

In a statement the Film Commission said the documentary explores the rise of violent extremism and online hate in New Zealand, while covering Dame Jacinda's leadership.

The commission said the documentary was not authorised nor endorsed by Dame Jacinda, and she has no editorial involvement.

“It is important to note this is not a biopic. Rather, the documentary explores the rise of violent extremism and online hate in New Zealand, following Jacinda Ardern's leadership trajectory as an example of how these forces played out through one of the most tumultuous periods in modern times.

Oh puke. This is going to be a documentary about how the world's most beloved leader was brought down by the forces of hate. I could almost write the script for it now.

There actually could be an interesting documentary on Ardern. It would be exploring how she went from an unprecedented +80% net favourability rating to a negative net favourability rating in just two years. It would look at her strengths but also her weaknesses. It would focus on failure to deliver, cost of living crisis as well as the response to Covid. It would interview supporters and critics. It would be balanced.

But I am confident to say that will not be this documentary.

The Government should change the rules so that no government funding body can fund a production about a current or recently retired NZ politician.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Martin Hanson said...

The following might be of interest:

Anonymous said...

Agree totally, we need funding for our health system and brings into question the need for the clearly left leaning govt. funded agency.
De fund them totally. and now.

Robert Arthur said...

How much are the toothpaste manufacturers pitching in?