
Thursday, March 14, 2024

Ele Ludemann: It’s not a tax break

Contrary to what many headlines and news stories are saying, residential landlords are not getting a tax break.

The government is simply restoring to them the tax deductibility of interest they had until the previous government removed it.

There is no logical reason for treating the leasing of houses differently from any other business which is able to claim interest as a tax deductible expense.

Headlining stories and reporting the reinstatement as a tax break is possibly politically motivated and definitely wrong.

Is it any wonder trust in media has declined?

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.

1 comment:

robert Arthur said...

With so many psuedo academics and public service pro maori 5th columnists due for the chop, many will cease to come here and prices will drop as have before. Those landlords will then suffer large capital losses and will need all finance breaks they can get. I can remember when agents were not interested in properties available to rent; all had needy owners already.