
Monday, March 11, 2024

Ele Ludemann: Right choices

Health Minister Dr Shane Reti is focussed on needs and outcomes not bureaucracy:

. . . I want to start by reiterating that I believe we all have the same dream for the health system: we all want to address health inequities, we all want to shorten waiting lists, and we all want a workforce that isn’t overstretched and that has the right skills to respond effectively to all our diverse populations.

Even though this particular version of the dream with the Māori Health Authority is coming to an end, as Minister I want to paint a new one, one that is outcomes-focused, driven by need, and with decisions made closer to the home and hapū.

This Government is totally focused on outcomes. The question we ask about any policy is: will it improve outcomes? Will it mean people get better care? Will it mean people get faster care? Will it mean people will get the care that suits their circumstances, including cultural competency? . .

The only answer to these questions will be yes if the policy is right.

My dream for the health system isn’t about bureaucratic structures and endless plans and reports; it’s about identifying need and responding to it.

One of the fundamental differences in approach to health is enabled by this legislation: this Government believes that decisions should be made closer to the community, to the home and the hapū. Local circumstances require local solutions rather than national bureaucracies.

There are key differences from the last six years:

* health workforce as the biggest hurdle

* targets at the forefront of our health policy

* we believe in decentralising as close to the home and hapū as possible . .

Primary and community healthcare is most people’s gateway to the health system. When we get this right, we’ll be supporting New Zealanders to stay in good health for longer wherever they are, whoever they are, and whatever their health needs are. . .

Getting the right diagnosis and treatment earlier is better for patients and the health system. It will prevent many conditions getting worse and needing secondary and tertiary care. It will save lives and money.

For health: we can choose form or function; I choose function.

We can choose activism or actions; I choose actions.

We can choose outrage or outcomes; I choose outcomes.

At last a Minister, and a government that is making the right choices : function over form, actions rather than activism, and outcomes instead of outrage.

While this is written in response to criticism about disestablishing the separate Māori health system, this approach will mean better treatment and better health for all of New Zealanders.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Yet what sort of outcomes is a health system achieving when it is the third biggest cause of death in many western nations and our population has higher rates of permanent disability than has ever been the case in history? Who needs a health system if those are the outcomes?

It is a misnomer to call it a health system because it doesn't actually contribute to health in most cases. Allopathic medicine isn't medicine in most cases because its goal it to suppress symptoms rather than addressing the cause of ill-health. Medicine treats the cause of the problem and the body is able to restore itself back to a health state. Suppressed symptoms always come back later in other, often more serious forms.

Anonymous said...

A lot of medicine is about controlling the masses,laziness and short term fixes. Advertisements use this eg stop feeling sick take xxx. Don’t have a broken night sleep, Give the kids drugs. Don’t worry about your weight, have a pill.

A lot of true health is about care, personal responsibility, listening to your body and working with it, hearing what a grizzling child is trying to say, good food, exercise and self management and long term commitment to good health.
There are occasions when modern medicine truly is brilliant - the mechanics of setting limbs, some surgery, managing some aging sensitivities and empowering people. A lot of it though is blinkered and short term, fear mongering and profit (current classics are OxyContin and COVID vaccines. And all the so called cold and virus cures).

It is a brave person who can and does take the medical establishment on and manage the mass indoctrination of the population to create a real healthcare environment.