
Saturday, March 2, 2024

Kerre Woodham: Christopher Luxon isn't leading by example

This annoys me because I shouldn't have to be talking about it, and because in the scheme of things, given what the country is facing, there are far, far bigger fish to fry.

However, it speaks to an attitude, and it speaks to leading by example, and it speaks to having an understanding of what people, ordinary people, people who might be losing their jobs, people who might be losing their homes, people who are struggling to keep hold of their business, it speaks to what they are going through.

In a time of redundancies, at a time of belt-tightening, at a time where people are really struggling, people who never thought they would be in the position of struggling, why is the Prime Minister claiming a $52,000 accommodation allowance to live in his very own apartment?

You'll recall he campaigned, and we enthusiastically cheered on his calls for a reduction in public expenditure. The public servants across Wellington are waiting for the axe to fall in numerous government departments, almost every government department, as their managers have been asked to make savings of 6.5% after the wanton overspends of the previous administration. That is quite true.

Yet he's not leading by example.

I know that $52,000, when you compare it to the sort of wastage that was going on when Grant Robertson thought $600 million found down the back of the couch was just chump change, you know $52,000 is neither here nor there in terms of government expenditure.

And I know he's perfectly entitled to claim the allowance, he’s not fiddling anything. MP's outside of Wellington are able to claim just over $30,000 a year to cover their housing expenses. Prime Ministers, a bit more. And if you're required to be in Wellington for your job but you don't actually live there, a decent employer will give you an accommodation allowance, that is quite normal.

But in the PM's case, he already has a house he can use that's supplied by the taxpayer, Premier House. He doesn't want to live there. It's fair to say Premier House needs a bit of a glow up. Like all old girls, perhaps it could do with zhoosh. But the two previous PM’s, Hipkins and Ardern, say well yes, there are a few leaks and certainly it could do with an upgrade, but it's perfectly liveable. Adern and her family lived there during her tenure, Hipkins didn't but that's because under the rules, he couldn't. Wellington based MPs can't live at Premier House. It's precisely for Prime Ministers who live outside of Wellington. Christopher Luxon is one of those.

So, he has a house that's available to him courtesy of the taxpayer. Needs a bit of a do-up. Plenty of houses that people are living in need a bit of a zhoosh, can't afford it at the moment so you don't do it.

He has an apartment amongst the homes he owns and there's no crime in that. But you know, he owns a few homes. One of them is an apartment in Wellington. He owns that, it's his free and freehold. Does he really need to claim the $52,000?

I think the optics look bad.

It will be the first time in 34 years, according to Newsroom, that a PM will claim the payment. You would think, given his salary, he'd be able to afford to pay whatever living expenses he has.

At a time when all New Zealanders are really feeling the pain, forgoing a $52,000 taxpayer funded allowance when you can have a house you can live in, but you choose not to would be a really sensible idea.

I know it's not much. But again, it's about leading by example, about showing that when you're calling for austerity, when you're calling for every single taxpayer dollar to be scrutinized, when you have a house that's available but it's not the flashiest and you might not want to live there, surely that is your choice.

I don't know, I expected more, quite frankly.

Kerre McIvor, is a journalist, radio presenter, author and columnist. Currently hosts the Kerre Woodham mornings show on Newstalk ZB - where this article was sourced.


Ken S said...

Yet more proof that Luxon is just a wokeist who hasn't got a clue.

Anonymous said...

I think the PM's salary is low compared to many jobs. It was recently reported that Grant Robertson will be earning $200k more than the PM in his new role as Vice Chancellor at Otago University.

Anonymous said...

Optics may be wrong in this case, but focusing on housekeeping diverts attention from the important stuff - to hold politicians to account on the big things they promised to deliver. What do we prefer - a cheap prime minister or one that can deliver value for the money that heir she is paid?

Robert Arthur said...

Oh come on. He wasn't pulling a rort as so many in society are. Is the official residence more taxing of wife? is security riskier? Would it have cost the state more? if we had a Te Pati or Green p.m. would he/she pass up such a grant? The payment would have helped compensate for forgoing less stressful and safer being a university vice chancellor.

Majority said...

So Premier House needs a bit of a ‘zhoush’? At what cost? I’m picking it’s a lot more than $52,000 given today’s building costs. Luxon is probably saving us money.

If, as Kerre admits, he’s perfectly entitled to claim the expense then this is a bit of muck-racking that’s below her usual standard.

DeeM said...

I'm surprised he thought our Left-wing media wouldn't pick up on this. He's generally running scared of them so why take the risk.
He's loaded already and he's not having to pay extra for another place.

Dumb decision. Either that or he's a masochist who likes to be flogged in public.
I could easily understand it if it was Peters because he doesn't give a toss what the media think and would probably do it just to yank their chain.
But Luxo? No way!

Tom Logan said...

Remarkable that this is best the Dead Man Walking and his moribund associates could come up with. What do they expect, our Prime Minister to fund his own accommodation in Wellington. Can they us any where else this is the case ?

Given that the Coalition Government has smashed all of the policies of Labour that they didn't bonfire themselves, this is their best shot ?

Hipkins impersonation in Parliament this week of a rottweiler in a meth rage convinced no one.

And Ginny Anderson or Kieran MacAnulty are the next in line. Heaven help them. They don't have the charisma or the intellect of a piece of a squashed possum between them.

Anonymous said...

Kerre, imo this is just the left wing media and low life loonies beating up on the good ppl that are here to save them from themselves.

Why was there no out rage when the communist fish and chip shop wrapper claimed the allowance?