
Monday, March 18, 2024

Kevin: Talking About Chlöe

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that Chlöe absolutely deserves to be co-leader of the Greens. And I mean that as a compliment in the best way possible.

The problem is that, while there is no doubt she’s smart (after all, she has a law degree), she totally lacks wisdom.

She’s smart enough to know that electric cars are much cleaner than petrol cars when it comes to emissions from driving. But she lacks the wisdom to look at the whole picture and see that overall EVs cause much more harm.

She has the intelligence to understand what’s happening between Israel and the Palestinians but lacks the wisdom to go and find out for herself.

She has the intelligence to know that kids should be discouraged from smoking (actually a no brainer), but lacks the wisdom to know that simply banning tobacco won’t work. I won’t get into the cognitive dissonance regarding wanting cannabis legal and tobacco illegal. (As an aside she and the New Zealand Drug Foundation totally screwed up the Cannabis Referendum but I won’t get into that here.)

Having said all this, there’s no doubt she has passion (although it could be said that there’s a fine line between passion and fanaticism), something that’s lacking in most politicians who seem to be more interested in keeping their seats than serving the public. If she were centre-right there’s no doubt she would have made a much better opposition leader than Chris Luxon.

To slightly modify an old adage, if you’re not a socialist by the time you’re 20, you have no heart, and if you’re not a capitalist by the time you’re 40 you have no wisdom. Here’s hoping this applies to her, because if she ever decides to go over to the dark side, there is no doubt in my mind she would make a very valuable asset.

Kevin is a Libertarian and pragmatic anarchist. His favourite saying: “There but for the grace of God go I.” This article was first published HERE


Anonymous said...

the clock is ticking and I suspect her beliefs are well tattooed in

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with anon @ 6.37. She's so fanatical that she is too far gone. I would never want someone like that representing the right....they are called the kkk. Odd how it accepted as fine for fanaticism on the left, but not for the right.

Dare i say it, We almost need to lower our standards to match those of the left as we are clearly not able to drag them up from their sewers.

Jim S said...

She is a fail when it comes to listening skills and it is hard to see that changing.

Anonymous said...

An interesting comment, but sadly people at the age of Chloe have no understanding of Socialism - and in stead of visiting Israel maybe a visit to Russia, just not Moscow, go into the hinterland.

Then visit a little isolated village'(is not considered a Country) it is known as - Transnistria - can be found wedged between Moldova (was once part of that Nation) and Ukraine.

Then review the History of Socialism in England, and if it had 'gained traction' - then England as we known it today, would have ended 'looking like Russia'- which is what the Socialists then and even today want.

I am not a Socialist, but have been able to look at, read about the above - and it is not something we want in New Zealand.

Sadly the 'brain of dear Chloe', during her time at University, was bent by University Academics, who have a leaning toward Socialism.

Anonymous said...

Fanaticism comes before the inevitable fall. Trouble is you never know when until it happens.