
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Bob Jones: The Winston dilemma

The incoming government will have such a huge majority as not to need New Zealand First.

I believe New Zealand First will easily crack the 5% mark as Winston, being half maori, alone feels safe addressing the big issue upsetting New Zealanders, namely outrageous co-government propositions, maori favouritism and the like.

He’s pulling sizable audiences of older folk, a sector noted for their high voter turn-out.

While the National-ACT coalition won’t need NZ First to form a government, they’d be mad not to give Winston a Cabinet post. Better to have him inside the tent, than sniping at them from outside.

The Labour opposition will be a mess, such will be their decimation and the new government may take the view that no-one (rightly) takes attacks from the Greens and Maori Party seriously. That leaves Winston, a problem easily avoided by including him, and possibly Jones in minor Cabinet roles.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

I am pleased to see that Sir Robert Jones confirms a point I have posted beneath several articles posted on this Media medium.

What has Sir Robert confirmed - (quote) "He's pulling sizable audiences of older folk, a sector noted for their high voter turn out"(end quote).

That is exactly what Winston Peters has been doing since he moved away from National, a parting 'of the ways", much to the relief of both the National party hierarchy and the then elected Politicians of the time. Winston's move then took those older National Party supporters, who had [1] - had enough of National [2] - felt that Winston "had been handed a tough deal" and no doubt "those who wanted to find a Political Home", that suited their Political beliefs, not found in either National and/or Labour, at that time.

It has been to this "base group that Winston has pitched Policy", knowing he had attentive "ears". Sadly many did not see through his speeches, policies, demeanor - and the "perceived betrayal" when he sided with Helen Clark then Jacinda Ardern - the last one, was enough for NZ First "to be sent into the night" at the the General Election 2020.

MMP is has been a benefit to Winston as he has carried the "vote" and when able to enter Parliament, brought "friends" with him, to create the belief he had a Party (NZ First) there to "contest Policy". As many New Zealander's would now say - Yeah right!

Sir Robert, if only you could read all the posted comments that appear underneath any videos, by alternative NZ Media people - when they cover Winston and/or interview him - one is left in no doubt that for those people - Winston is now a failed politician, not worthy of a and/or any vote.

A cabinet post - he has in the past had access to "esteemed positions", the question - is "What did he achieve in any, that he was given to manage"?

Oh and on Mr Shane Jones of Whangarei - you should ask him - "When you sat with Labour (2017 - 2019) and had access to money - The Provincial Growth Fund, when you handed it out with great gusto, what accountability did you put in place to ensure that is was spent wisely"?

ANON, of New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Both Peters and Jones are vital....... this will be the first test for Luxon and Seymour

robert Arthur said...

They should put some ginger into the others. Jones for Minister of Police. My only concern is that, living in Waitangi deranged nutter territory, considertaions of personal safety will stymy their actions re maori. But just fathomable spaeelable English names for govt depts will be a huge win for efficency and common sense.

N B H said...

When looking at the photos of Winstones meetings it is surprising how many younger people are attending.Maybe it is a spinoff from his walk through the protesters at Wellington.As to a cabinet post Foreign Affairs again!

ihcpcoro said...

New Zealand could do far worse than have Winston Peters as Foreign Affairs Minister. I'm sure taniwha would never come into any negotiations that he was involved with.

Ray S said...

If National and ACT cant see the strategic importance of Peters at this stage and probably after the election, they are less intelligent than I though.

Seymour needs to take a pill, have a lie down and stop attacking Peters.

We know from past actions that Peters has a long memory.

Ken S said...

I am certainly in the demographic described by Sir Bob but there is no way in the world I would for Winston First.

Anonymous said...

Agreed Sir Robert...Given the propensity for elected MPs to have to "step down" (post-Elections) for a myriad of reasons, Nats/Act would probably be spread too thin in order to withstand many such future losses. Winston Peters remains an erudite, street-savvy and courageous politician with a significant voter following. Marginalise and ignore him at your peril. He deserves much more than a lukewarm reception at the banquet.
To Mr Seymour - "Cool your jets" and learn to power-share.