
Friday, September 22, 2023

Dave Witherow: Occurrences

We seem to have more problems than usual these days. Here are just a few of them, briefly summarised.

 Climate Change - Global Warming. 

 The climate has always been changing, and there is little evidence  that human activities are more than marginally involved. We are told there is consensus, but in fact many scientists conclude that the climate panic is no more than a hoax, foisted on a gullible, misinformed public, who are thereby being closed out of cheap food and energy, normal means of travel, and affordable housing.  Their rulers, however - Bill Gates and Al Gore and Klaus Schwab and the rest of them – do not propose to share this new lifestyle.

 The whole field is complex, far beyond any thumbnail analysis, but read “Unsettled”, by Steven Koonin, or see Ian Plimer (Youtube), for alternative viewpoints on this orchestrated fraud.

 The Banks. 

 Since deciding to abandon service for avarice the Banks have become ever more adept at bilking the public. The sub-prime loan fiasco of 2007, which led to the Global Financial Crisis, was fully sponsored by the usual suspects - yet apart from the clownish Bernie Madoff no senior banker was brought to justice. Worse, the Banks were bailed out, re-floated with public money, while millions of ordinary Americans lost their jobs and their houses. 

 And now, post-Covid, the same racket continues, with unheard-of profits being squeezed from impoverished people and sinking economies. 

 The next Banking shake-down – facilitated by the sheep who pay for everything with plastic – will be the introduction of a universal digital currency. This system, well-proven in China, will obliterate the last possibility of a return to the kind of society we used to live in. 


Inflation and Interest.

 Mortgages, at an average now around 8%, are causing considerable distress to trapped mortgagees enticed by much lower rates. At the same time has come a rise in interest-rates – the ANZ, for example, pays up to 6% on its premier accounts. Winners and losers then, swings and roundabouts? You win some, you lose some.

 Well, no, because the rate of inflation is kept above what trusting depositors are paid in interest. Thus the Banks, again, are the only winners, transferring wealth from those who have a little to those who will soon have the lot. 

 Inflation is theft, daylight robbery, but people seem slow to understand that the money they earned and saved, assuming it was safe, is day by day evaporating. 



 Before the Great Flu of 1918 no outbreak of disease was ever genuinely pandemic. The Black Death of the fourteenth century affected considerably less than half the planet, and it is only since the advent of mass travel that contagious diseases have been able to reach populations worldwide. 

 This, one might think, is cause for concern, but no modern so-called “pandemic” supports such a conclusion. MERS, SARS, Swine Flu, Ebola, etc - all have been fizzers, causing no visible dent in the global population. And the same has been true of Covid.  

Yet the WHO, backed by Gates and Big Pharma, envisions a future of endless catastrophic worldwide plagues – and, in fact, is hard at work threatening another one. Prepare for further exciting “vaccinations”. 



 Confusion about sex is nothing new, and the history of homosexuality (male and female) is as old as the history of Homo sapiens. These indulgences, indeed, are now considered unexceptionable, especially in Parliament, where those of a heterosexual inclination may soon be extinct.

 Do we worry? Not at all. We are civilized. We are relaxed - so relaxed indeed, that now, in perverse recompense to our open-mindedness, we are required to accept that men can turn into women, and vice versa.

 The specimens exhibited so far have been less than persuasive, with no proven live births to ex-men, or sperm from ex-women. But these, after all, are early days, and with surgical expertise improving all the time, and the best university brains on the job, we may soon be able to re-plumb everyone, male, female, neuter, whatever, in accordance with their heart’s desire. Our sexual confusion will then be complete.  



 New Zealand now has the highest immigration rate, per capita, in the world. No plausible justification has ever been produced for this, nor have New Zealanders ever been consulted as to whether they think it a good idea. But it continues and accelerates, supported all the main parties, and fervently promoted by the rabid Greens. 

 The number-one target of this ungoverned inflow – Auckland – has thus grown like a tumour, consuming land and resources and producing nothing of identifiable value. It is an aberration, a vast blot on New Zealand’s pleasant landscape.

Our prosperity, meanwhile, depends on agriculture, which necessarily diminishes as Auckland enlarges. What is the point of Auckland?



 To the true Multiculturalist our society is insular and irremediably racist. We are hicks and rednecks. We cling like limpets to old habits and traditions, and fail to see that these attitudes are now inexcusable, if not criminal.  

 This must change. We must welcome mass immigration and complete freedom of movement. We must forget about borders, and admit all shades and sects until, ideally, our population consists of every race and religion on the entire planet. Only then, say the gurus of Diversity, will happiness reign and racism vanish. 

 It seems idle, in the face of such cast-iron idiocy, to suggest that we proceed with a bit more caution. What’s the hurry? We already have a culture – a work in progress - which might, given time and creative intelligence, evolve into something truly distinctive. Something, moreover, unique to New Zealand.  

 The Wokesters, of course, don’t want distinction. What they want is a Bedlam of separate cultures, each entrenched in its ghetto and forever shielded from integration or assimilation (the evil strategies of Mr. Whitey).  

 But a nation, to thrive, can only have one shared culture - however diverse the strands it be composed of. The alternative may be observed in Kosovo, in Ulster, in the Ukraine, in Israel – and in all the other riven regions where cultural and religious differences have been isolated and preserved throughout generations. 

  The right-thinkers will dispute this, but it is salutary to note that the former world champion of multiculturalism, Angela Merkel, has (too late) reversed her opinion. The experiment in Europe, she now admits, has been catastrophic. 



 Little needs to be said about Co-Governance. It means the end of Democracy, and the demise of New Zealand as a sane, civilized nation. Its virulence in the Universities is sufficient evidence for the shutting-down of these formerly-useful institutions. And that the leader of our probable next government will not commit to revoking Co-Governance suggests that he too is a disciple of Apartheid.


And now, a perhaps less rabid view.

 All of these crises - Immigration, Multi-Culti, The Great Pandemic, Co-Governance, The Banking Hegemony - and many more not mentioned here – are leading to remarkably similar outcomes. They disrupt communities, impoverish more and more people, while progressively diminishing their rights and freedoms. They sow distrust, and set one against the other. And all tend to benefit the same lucky few. 

 These indisputable coincidences, understandably, have given rise to rumours that what has been happening is not altogether accidental.

 But history is full of remarkable coincidences. Some people get richer while others get poorer. Some sink and others swim – just as you would expect in a free society. The vagaries of fortune, elevating some at the expense of others, are no more than the everyday symptoms of economic liberty. 

 There is no need, therefore, to humour the mad notions of the conspiracy-theorists: to conjure up a cabal of manipulators - rich tyrants in Davos and their paid-for puppets in “elected” governments around the world. No-one should fall for this. Each of us – you and I, individually - must resist the tide of disinformation, and come to the only correct conclusions.

 And what if we don’t? 

Then, sadly, you’ll have to be certified as a deviant, and, of course, suffer the consequences.

 You must be kidding. There are laws, you know - you can’t really expect to get away with this.

 Well, we did the last time. And most people went along - the Team of Five Million, if you remember? No-one forced them. They made their own choices, which turned out to be exactly what we mandated. Good, decent, freedom-loving Kiwis. So try to be reasonable. 

 What makes you think you have a mind of your own? 


 Dave Witherow, a columnist, author, script writer, and former scientist for Fish and Game, emigrated to New Zealand from Northern Ireland in 1971. 


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately all true Dave. The masses need to wake up & think about their country as a whole & not just themselves.

Don said...

WOW! What a testament of common sense.! To take just one example: We have about 3 billion cells in our bodies each of which carries either XX or XY
chromosomes which determine our gender. We can role play to be a different gender with the aid of drugs, operations and general lifestyle but we cannot change our chromosomes and our body cells record our true gender. To make a superficial change may suit some of us but to encourage it in children is blatant child abuse.