
Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Cam Slater: No Christopher, It’s Winston Who Is Right

On Sunday Winston Peters said the unthinkable in New Zealand politics, daring to say that Maori are not indigenous. Maoris’ own oral history tells us they are not indigenous and in fact that they are fellow immigrants and may be the first colonisers.

Christopher Luxon, who thinks he’s the smartest man in the room went full-on woke and said Winston Peters was wrong.

Christopher Luxon disagrees with Winston Peters’ comments that Maori are “not indigenous” but has again stopped short of saying whether he’ll rule in or out a post-election coalition with New Zealand First.

It comes as polls show the minor party is within spitting distance of entering Parliament.

According to Stuff, Peters told a Nelson audience yesterday: “Here’s the rub if you are Maori. We’re not indigenous”.

He said: “We come from Hawai-iki. Where’s our Hawai-iki? We think it is in the Cook Islands. We think it’s in Rarotonga … but we’re not from here. And you go back 5000 years, we came with our DNA from China. Not like 55,000 years in Australia.”

The party leader then reportedly told a Stuff reporter: “Excuse me, I am from that background […] We know we’re not indigenous, and we don’t believe in bulldust.”

Luxon was questioned today about Peters’ remarks.

When asked whether Maori were New Zealand’s indigenous people, the National leader responded with a one-word answer: “Absolutely.”

Then asked about Peters’ comments, Luxon said: “He’s wrong. They are.”

Sadly Christopher Luxon, because he is wetter than an otter’s pocket, plays the woke card. He is wrong, and Maori’s own oral history proves that.

While he may be sky-high in the latest Newshub poll, he is about to take a hit off the back of Winston’s statement. I expect the next series of polls to show a surge for NZ First. People reached peak Maori some time ago, and Winston Peters intuitively knows this.

Luxon continues to try to be less crap than Labour, keeping up the pretence of the new, rewritten treaty, and Winston Peters will start hoovering up support on the basis that a Christopher Luxon-led National Party is highly likely to keep all aspects of co-governance, with a few minor tweaks.

All Winston has to say now is that he thinks Luxon will sell us out to Maori interests, and point to this recent statement as proof. Watch it happen.

Cam Slater is a New Zealand-based blogger, best known for his role in Dirty Politics and publishing the Whale Oil Beef Hooked blog, which operated from 2005 until it closed in 2019. This article was first published HERE


robert Arthur said...

I think Winston will lose more votes, and quality ones, than he will gain by so emphatically debating the pedantics of being indigenous. By all means raise the doubt but dogged absolute insistence is prone to beliitlement and disproof by authorities on word meaning.There are a myriad solid pro maori anomolies to hammer without risk of being discredited generally.

Anonymous said...

The Māori themselves, including Toi, even plainly said there were others here when they arrived, and this has been handed down in oral history. Not just the first immigrants, but the first colonisers.

Anonymous said...

Winston is just stating the obvious to those who know New Zealand's history?

All current parties are complicit in bringing us to the brink of civil unrest by ignoring our true history, participating in a fraud, introducing Apartheid, making up Principles/Partnership, signing us up in secret to UNDRIP, introducing Co-Governance and commissioning in secret a Maori mafia manifesto called He Puapua, a blue print for Tribal rule in New Zealand.

So none of you are getting my vote.

Anonymous said...

If you were in any doubt, it crystallizes what is wrong with Luxon - for the sake of woke Ideology, he's prepared to overlook the facts and it's the very reason we need to give ACT a very strong hand to keep him on course for the change of direction he espouses.

Anonymous said...

Indigenous is now just another word without meaning despite its consequences.

George Orwell :

But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. A bad usage can spread by tradition and imitation even among people who should and do know better.’

Anonymous said...

RA - I can see your concern about WP saying the words out loud but I was very glad to hear them. They have been repeated verbatem in the MSM who usually ignore him or mis-quote him. Then stuff asked him if he thought he might have upset some people. The people he might have upset are very very quiet as they might not know how to refute his statement. This is exactly what we need, someone to say the words out loud in public. Next he needs to call out the co-governance legislation to show it up for the true danger it is.

Christine said...

In fact I believe that as a country we have been exposed to the biggest scam possible. The Treaty has been twisted to the political notion that it promised co governance. For a multitude of reasons it clearly did not. But “Honour the Treaty” became the catch cry, and like any outright lie, if told often enough it becomes the “truth”. So this truth has become gospel in the minds of young Maori and New Zealanders too intimidated to question it for fear of being called racist. It’s a huge scandal that New Zealanders need to wake up to. I know that democracy is not perfect, but all over the world it has become the best form of government so far. The very last thing we need is some form of tribal rule by the few elite tribal corporations, - a recipe for disaster.