
Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Garrick Tremain: Police priorities

 Here is Garrick Tremain's cartoon commentary on police taking the soft option! 

Garrick Tremain is one of New Zealand's best known artists and political cartoonists. With a background in farming and advertising, he has a wonderful ability to capture in images exactly what people are thinking in a way that makes us laugh. You can see his more of his work on his website HERE. 


Anonymous said...

Truly sad she's not coming, as better than any leader's debate it would have again highlighted the weird and warped thinking and ideologies of some of our politicians and the incompetence in our Police force. The likes of, Marama Davidson and her ridiculous violent "white cis men" claims; Chloe Swarbrick and her purported Albert Park "celebration" nonsense; and all those other idiots that claimed Ms Keen-Minshull had "abhorrent views" when any normal woman (that's aside from the likes of, Nicola Willis) would have said, what she says and seeks is perfectly reasonable. Women only changing rooms; women only competitors in women's sports. Too many of our political leaders have weird, warped, woke views that don't represent the majority of us.

robert Arthur said...

"Lady! Why didn't you say you were maori at the start. Now I will have to tear up the ticket."