
Friday, September 8, 2023

Lindsay Mitchell: Cultural indoctrination of the NZ Police

I asked my better half, "What is the job of the police?" Quite quickly he responded, "Ultimately, to protect the community." That's not bad. I had toyed with, "To enforce law and order," but on reflection, some laws are 'an ass' and regarding 'order' police actions during the parliamentary protest remain controversial. 

Why am I grappling with this?

Today police spend much - if not most - of their time policing 'family harm' - a euphemism for violence perpetrated against partners and children. Their own annual report says family harm call-outs are the fastest growing type of which there are already almost 500 a day - a 47 percent increase on 2017 we are told.

To assist in their work Police are provided with handouts titled 'Colonisation ... destabilising a culture' and 'Urbanisation ... destabilising a culture'. After absorbing the hand-outs, the question is posed, 'Given what you have just learnt about colonisation, do you believe Māori have their needs met in keeping with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?' One assumes the correct answer is 'no' (though it's kind of weird that an American psychologist's framework is used alongside the predictable and omnipresent call for tikanga values to dominate.)

Another diagram further explains how the historical trauma of colonisation worsens with each generation:

(Left click on image to enlarge)

A couple of decades ago this type of material would have sat unremarked in a reading list for a BA in sociology. In fact, the source for the 'destabilising a culture' handouts is a PhD thesis written in 2001 by someone appearing European but citing their tribal credentials. Graduates and their 'learnings' have now firmly infiltrated public service agencies across the board.

But what is the takeaway for the police? That Maori perpetrators of family violence are themselves victims? That Maori perpetrators have no personal agency? How on earth can this belief be built into the practice of policing? It is clear how it has been built into the practice of administering justice - lenient sentencing with discounts for sympathetic cultural reports. Perhaps the same teaching discourages police from even delivering offenders for the proverbial wet bus ticket.

As usual I have more questions than answers not least of which is, given half of those convicted of family violence offences are NOT Maori, what's their excuse??

Never mind. I think New Zealanders are sick and tired of hearing excuses of any hue. We are compassionate people but increasingly reserving our sympathy for the real victims - the robbed, the raped, the murdered. Many though are getting particularly angry at being blamed by dint of ancestry for past colonial misdeeds that give present licence to thugs.

In respect of the police handouts about colonisation and urbanisation, it was Maori who enslaved Maori - not Europeans. No-one forced Maori into the cities. They went in search of jobs, money and excitement. And guess what? Most grabbed the opportunities, along with partners from other races, and became wealthier and happier. Just as their co-inhabitants and more recent immigrants were doing. My parents arrived in NZ in the sixties with meagre savings - no better off than newly urbanised Maori. But they found jobs and made their way. They weren't wallowing in the fact that their parents and grandparents had worked in coal mines or scavenged. But they both have memories of bitterly unhappy and arguing fathers and mothers the experience of which they resolved to never subject their own children to.

The police propaganda doesn't explain that most people learn from adversity. That it is beholden on them to do so.

The police propaganda examines family harm and delivers a faulty diagnosis: that Maori offenders have no free will. That their actions are determined by past circumstances beyond their control. We can but await the sixth, seventh and eighth generations of violent offenders.

I'm not buying it. Blame must be laid, in the first instance, at the feet of family violence perpetrators. The principles of personal agency and responsibility must be paramount. On what other basis can an effective policing system operate? No purpose is served by sending police into volatile and dangerous situations with heads full of guilt about their colonial past.

If that was a successful strategy then family harm incidents would be declining. Not the opposite.

Lindsay Mitchell is a welfare commentator who blogs HERE. - Where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

It's a pity the "Police" image above doesn't enlarge, but I can well imagine the content. Anyone who is in any doubt about where the problem lies only need to search out the books, or youtube commentaries and interviews, of Dr Thomas Sowell. He is living proof of what can be achieved by dint of hard work and innate intellect. Certainly, no-one should be given a free or easy ride by virtue of their past ancestry. We've pandered far too long to the blame and victimisation nonsense and need to concentrate on the more immediate parental and personal responsibility fronts.

Keep up the good work, Lindsay.

DeeM said...

We all have the ability of free thought so to blame your own actions on colonialism really is a cop-out.

Not surprising though that criminals will use anything at their disposal to avoid or reduce sentencing, especially when it's encouraged by half-wits in our government, judiciary and police force.

Anonymous said...

I am not responsible for the actions of my great grandparents, grandparents, or even mum and dad.
I am responsible for my own actions, but not for the actions of anyone else.
Please will our authorities, especially the judiciary, take responsibility for allowing Maori to blame previous generations for the mess they get themselves into ?

Gaynor said...

As an educationalist and 4th generation New Zealander I have expressed my view on this site and not always been accepted with no reason given.
I agree with all that Lindsay has said but I firmly believe the educational perspective must always be considered somewhere in social welfare issues.

NZ until about mid-last century had a world class education system. Now it has hit rock bottom and it has taken decades to destroy it. The destruction has been caused by socialist, psychological and sociological ideologies from academia with a Marxist base. It was not original colonization that introduced these destructive ideas into NZ but a toxic movement largely from the US, called progressive education (PE) through the Labour government and academia in the 1950s. This education was at complete odds with the ideals of the first settlers who valued highly. egalitarianism and despised the British class system
and elitist education.

Since this educational philosophy ( PE) had NO concern for academic achievement
those most disadvantaged by it were selectively of low SES including Maori, who frequently had the poorest intellectual home environments.In contrast NZ's original
traditional liberal education before 1950 that had a strong emphasis on academic achievement and allowed social mobility and universal literacy to flourish independent of SES.

Now we are belatedly, into traditional methods, values and ideals of NZ's original foundations which were certainly not Marxist -far from it.This century we have one of the worst performing education systems in the developed world. Our social welfare system has crashed with it The two go hand in hand.

Marxism caused our demise; Marxism can never fix it but that's what they are trying to do with their cancel culture 'colonisation'.

Peter said...

Well, I agree with you Gaynor, and it's all evident in the statistics. The problem ramped up not as a result of colonisation, but with Maori's own urbanisation; with changes to the education system as you've mentioned, as well as welfare and societal changes. Before the late 1950's, Maori crime rates and prison populations were not proportionately greater to their overall demographic, but since then we have seen it grow, which has only accelerated more in recent decades with the increased breakdown in the traditional family unit along with increases in the reliance on welfarism and the growing prevalence of gangs. Alan Duff's, "Once were Warriors" is a fair depiction of the culture, and that familial dysfunction has only gotten worse. And, yes, the problem is now generational, but the 'essence of it lies more within' and we need to change that 'culture' through education and appropriate role models, not through more welfare payments. The excuses of victimhood and colonisation are just that, and we should have no truck of them.

Anonymous said...

When did it become a crime in NZ to beat up your kids ? Murder ?
Only on the 6th Feb 1840.
Prior to then, the only redress to crime by Maori was utu.

Stop blaming anyone else or colonisation - do you want to go back to a lawless basic civilization ?
Actually, we are almost there already...............

Anonymous said...

If you say a particular racial group has no agency compared with another racial group you are espousing racism