
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Peter Williams: Give us a break Chippy

You could at least say sorry

The Prime Minister has a cheek doesn’t he. He said on Monday that there was no compulsory Covid-19 vaccination. People, he said, made their own choices. Yesterday he doubled down.

Now let’s cut him the tiniest little bit of slack. What he says is technically correct, although if he had things his way it would definitely have been compulsory.

Remember he was the guy who said that “they” would go looking for the unvaccinated. Something tells me he may have even used the phrase “we will hunt you down.”

But he is really splitting hairs by invoking the use of the word “compulsory.” Yes, nobody was forced to - as in being physically taken in for jabbing. But the mandates in so many jobs meant that you couldn’t stay in work if you weren’t vaccinated.

It was despicable coercion of the highest order, so let’s call it a virtual compulsion. Hipkins really was quite vile when he made that assertion a couple of days ago because he must know that many, many people lost jobs and careers because of the mandates imposed by their employers, both public and private.

The least he could have done was apologise for what they did. But you know what - I don’t think he and they, as in the Labour Party, are sorry.

In many respects I almost wish I’d stayed on at Mediaworks instead of resigning – it two years ago this week - and had a showdown with management over the mandate they brought in about a week after I left.

But Hipkins insistence on there being no compulsion is bordering on fiction in the minds of thousands of us. The arrogance and rejection of people’s rights as displayed by Jacinda Ardern’s admission of two classes of people, and then Hipkins saying words to the effect of “we will hunt you down” make this Labour leadership the most personally despised of any political party in my lifetime.

They were at 24 percent in the Roy Morgan poll yesterday. I don’t think they’ve hit the bottom yet.

They deserve everything coming to them.

Peter Williams was a writer and broadcaster for half a century. Now watching from the sidelines. Peter blogs regularly on Peter’s Substack - where this article was sourced.


Anna Mouse said...

There is no slack to give.
There is no technicality.
Ardern said it and Hipkins is as guilty.
It is what is, what it is and they forever be remembered as the couple along with Bloomfield that created a class war in this country.....

Martin Hanson said...

So, why haven't National and ACT used this information in their campaign? One is forced to wonder if there are not deeper factors at work.
Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Ardern and Hipkins: The reasons we had to flee NZ.... I thank you now!

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to pin him down, on the ground, and make him say the sorry word. And make him admit that among tens of thousands of people, some unwillingly gambled their health on the jab while others lost their jobs by refusing.
Then he should have his mouth filled with soap for lying so egregiously the other day. Televised on the news of course.
One of my sisters is still unemployed as she had to leave her job and refuses to take one with lower pay. One of my brothers is a nurse who looks after kidney patients and reluctantly took the jab (after several conversations with doctors trying to convince him it was safe) realising that he would be unemployed if he refused.
I recently met a man whose wife died suddenly over a year ago after being fully vaccinated. It took the Coroner's office seven months to tell him that she died of a heart attack. She had no history of heart problems.
So yeah Chippy, give us a break and just bugger off after October 14.

Anonymous said...

Government is NOT the solution to our problem because GOVERNMENT is the problem.

Anonymous said...

Hipkins’ response is gaslighting, pure and simple.
It’s no different to Harvey Weinstein saying that those girls who slept with him had a choice; do it, or never work in his industry again.
And we all know where Harvey’s ended up.

N B H said...

The other parties cant call labour out as they backed the Mandate and if you remember the only Politician to talk to the protesters at Wellington was Winnie all the rest didnt have the guts to tell Mallard to take a running jump. I believe national and Act are feeling the voters backlash for their weak actions.

Anonymous said...

Why hold back Pete. Your words are very true but could have been far more scathing of these people and the disgusting disdain and contempt they have shown nzers the past 6 years. No one would disagree with you

Erica said...

It isn't just the globalists who are in control but powerful academics from prestigious universities who do complex modelling and have an aura of intellectual authority because of their supposed erudite knowledge acquired over decades but produced totally wrong predictions. Politicians felt secure in doing what they said.

Health isn't the only area that has succumbed to this pseudo intellectualism. Think global warming. Education has also been infested by this plague of wrong conclusions. That's why we have hit rock bottom in literacy ratings. The average Joe Bloggs would never have invented a reading method that defied common sense by having children try to read by guessing words from context. Only academics could invent such nonsense. But here in NZ we went along with it for at least 40 years
Hipkin's and others never seem able to say 'We were wrong", "We are sorry", "It seemed the right thing at the time" or "We were deceived along with much of the rest of the world and may we learn from it, prevent more suffering
and not ever repeat our mistakes". Wouldn't that be nice!

Politicians, I conclude, can't challenge these learned medical fools.They are just too 'clever' which makes them very scary. Baker et al featured on TV frequently and talked with such authority and confidence. Even the average GP had very limited knowledge of the highly complex technology in the covid vaccines and The bio-pharmaceutical industry particularly, Pfizer, are renowned for their thorough dishonesty. So bad it could be called psychopathic.