
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Peter Williams: Our separatist health system

Some people get it free, others pay

The separatist health system has come to the fore again.

A new cervical cancer screening programme has started whereby women don’t need to have a smear test if they’d rather not but instead can self-test by doing their own vaginal swab.

By the way, the information website, very helpfully describes who is eligible for screening. Apparently cervical screening is available for women - and people with a cervix. I don’t actually know anybody with a cervix who is not a woman, but then I might have missed that particular biology class.

Anyway, the website then goes on to describe how the screening service is not fully funded by the government, which is extraordinary considering that one woman is diagnosed with cervical cancer every second day, and if discovered early enough the disease is curable.

Even though it is not fully funded there is no cost if you are a Maori or Pacific woman, if you haven’t had a test in the last 5 years or you have a community services card.

The reason given for Maori women having fully funded access and non-Maori who don’t otherwise qualify paying between 40 and 60 dollars for the test is that there is increased incidence and mortality from cervical cancer for Maori women compared to non-Maori women.

However the evidence also says that Maori women as a population are less likely to attend regular screening. A research paper from as far back as 2006 said only 46 percent of Maori women were screened. Which might account for the increased incidence and mortality.

Yes, there is a statistical difference between Maori and non-Maori women when it comes to the incidence of cervical cancer, but even with my limited knowledge of biology I doubt it has anything to with genetics or ethnicity, but rather the fact that not enough Maori women test regularly.

In that respect the idea of fully funded testing for Maori is worthwhile, but what about non-Maori women who do not have a community services card and who might just find that $60 is a cost too far for a voluntary testing procedure?

It’s been found the major influences on health outcomes in this country are not to do with ethnicity but with one’s environment, lifestyle and income.

Here’s an example. Why should a high income earning Maori woman lawyer get free access to cervical testing and a similarly well paid non-Maori woman lawyer have to pay for the same service?

Or to personalise it, why should the Mayor of Rotorua Tania Tapsell not have to pay but the Mayor of Napier Kirsten Wise does?

It isn’t fair and reasonable in this country where everybody supposedly has equal rights to social and medical services whether you pay or not for this service should be based on need?

Access to cervical screening should be fully funded anyway, but if it is to be paid for by some women – oh and other people with a cervix – don’t discriminate access to the service based on ethnicity. Do it based on income and circumstances.

Peter Williams was a writer and broadcaster for half a century. Now watching from the sidelines. Peter blogs regularly on Peter’s Substack - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Once again, thank you. I've taken David Seymours advice....I'm now registered as a Maori ( I'm not) and I've advised the census people that I couldn't fill the census out the night I was supposed to as I was transitioning to a different gender.
I'm just playing this stupid labour governments stupid game, and I can't believe that they actually think I'm a transgendered Maori!!! When is this lunacy going to end? Hopefully Oct 14!!

Anna Mouse said...

Apartheid has and never will be fair and reasonable.

Sadly we have a government that has conciously allowed seperatist ideology to blossom in New Zealand and not only in health.

This Labour (Ardern 'government', yes it is still hers IMO) has seperated and divided the fabric of our society in almost all aspects and metrics countable. She created and curated so many class and culture wars the fires will smolder for decades.

From Welfare, Education, Science, Economy, Infrastructure (3 Waters et al) and of course Health.

Even the name of our country has been kidnapped for ransom to the new apartheid Aotearoa.

Robert Arthur said...

Presumably many maori women are "imagining decolonisation" and so not following the colonist introduced prctice of presenting regularly for a check.

Anonymous said...

Anna Mouse in the house!!!

And they wonder were all the billions went?

Well 'she who shall not be named' told us, when out of her mouth she said, this will be the most TRANSFORMATIONAL government ever.

Now you know what transformational is and the cost.

Anonymous said...

Peter, there is no scientific evidence that HPV causes cervical cancer but this is exactly what the screening programme is looking for.

I would recommend Dr Sam Bailey's video on this topic. All women should avoid this programme, no matter what their ethnicity.

Anonymous said...

Anon@8.35 - 'the cost' has yet to fully materialise - just wait for the revolt.

Anonymous said...

Why can't those that want to decolonise and have john tamihere as their king totalitarian leader, be given a chunk of land up north. They can self fund their own food, houses, health system, justice system whatever they want. They can not get benefits or any general taxpayer money except from their own state.And let the rest of us get on with life.

Anonymous said...

Or just let them all decolonise on the Marae after the Waitangi Tribunal has been dissolved and the Treaty ripped up. They can go hunting and fishing or they could get work in the nearest town but no handouts from the colonists.
We are all New Zealanders. Let's support that and what could go wrong?

Doug Longmire said...

Welcome to New Zimbabwe, the racist, Marxist South Sea paradise !!