
Thursday, September 7, 2023

Suze: No, I Do Not Wish Chippy a Happy Birthday

I'm taking one for the team being on the receiving end of the Labour Party’s campaign emails.

This week’s plea from Carmel Sepuloni is followed by my response.

Click to read or download

You can tell Mr Hipkins that when he owns up to his government’s failures – and stops lying about them – he’s begun the journey back to regaining his humanity.

Your government created second-class citizens, about which Hipkins audaciously lied.

For all practical purposes, COVID-19 vaccination became mandatory when the choice was between vaccination and forfeiting your job, your business or your home. The majority of New Zealanders succumbed cheaply to vaccination when promised haircuts, beauty treatments, socialising and travel: with many believing vaccination was a social responsibility.

Little did the gullible understand the price of participating in a worldwide human experiment that, for some, had serious medical consequences or death. Pfizer did not see fit to disclose adverse effects and didn’t want to know what the long-term health effects would be; neither did panicked governments and health authorities who didn’t question whether Pfizer’s trials were sufficient.

Families and friendships were torn apart by your government’s “non-mandated” vaccinations.

You divided us on vaccination status, you divided us between Maori and non-Maori and you divided our children.

You brought gender reassignment theory into classrooms and inflicted transvestites on pre-schoolers whose parents think transvestites equate to normal sexual behaviour despite evidence from overseas of a high percentage of them becoming sex offenders and some transvestites having an appetite for paedophilia.

You don’t get to divide us and expect to get away with it.

Let’s not forget that the next biggest scam after COVID-19 is climate change which is blared into our homes daily through the television and radio and drummed into our children at school.

Neither will we forget the financial debt inflicted on our children and their future children, with nothing to show for it except Jacinda Ardern’s obscene bragging about New Zealand leading the world in the fight against COVID-19. Admit it – you lost that fight!

I sincerely hope none of you gets another three years. You’ve had your fun, and the gig is up, so please slink off into oblivion where you belong.

I do not wish Mr Hipkins a happy birthday but I do wish that he might find his missing moral code and rejoin the human race.

If Hipkins bothered to connect with grassroots New Zealanders he would discover that, on the whole, we are not “judgey” like his predecessor was. In fact, we just want to be left alone to live healthy decent lives without government interference – and therein lies the key to the next successful government.

Suze sees herself as a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define, and believes unless we protect our rights and freedoms they will be taken off us by a few powerful people. This article was first published HERE


ihcpcoro said...

'Perfeck', as Pop Larkin would say.

Anonymous said...

Sheer brilliance. I love it.

K said...

Worse, I gather Pfizer advised the govt of issues with the jab late 2020. The warning was ignored by the (not yet) gonged ones and jabbing proceeded full speed ahaead.

EP said...

I too wish Chris Hipkins very ill indeed (really, really ill!) Which is sad when I think of the earnest young entrant into politics he must have been. Jacinda too. I honestly doubt they started evil. Ineptitude is one thing, but downright crookedness is quite another. Covid didn't help, but I personally attribute their iniquities to He Puapua.

Anonymous said...

Dear Suze-

I use from your article (quote) - "I do not wish Mr Hipkins a happy birthday but I do wish that he might find his missing moral code and rejoin the human race".(end quote).

If you could look back at the "history of said Chippie" in relation to his Politics, you will find that from the time he became a "supporter of Labour & its Principles" - he was well known to front up to Labour Rallies, with megaphone in hand and "call the people to rally", Trevor Mallard, late Speaker of the House (2017 >>) now NZ Ambassador to Ireland was "noted to be a supporter of the young chipster".

Once chipster "gained traction within Labour ranks" the "moral code" you think he would develop, failed upon introduction especially when you look at who associated with then - The Helen Clark Govt (1999 - 2008) and for due diligence got to be an elected MP and sit on the opposition benches (2008 - 2016 - the John key Years) - again during these years that "the development of a moral code was not seen as an attribute.

Sadly there are many (of the older age group), across NZ, who have been (and still are - and interestingly currently incorporates many of our Younger People) who are ardent Labour Party supporters, and this includes NZ Unions. This is historical & as well as family connected. Also, today includes those students & Socialist Academics within our Universities. They have the ability to re-elect both chispter & colleagues back to sit on the Treasury Benches - why - Labour can (and never has, to them) done wrong - Labour has always been a Party of The People!

ANON, of New Zealand.