For whatever reason, it could be National’s historic alignment with the Maori Party, attempts to avoid confrontation with Maori activists or simply kowtowing to the globalist agenda promoting indigenous rights, Christopher Luxon is noticeably hesitant about addressing racism and co-governance.
But his coalition partners are not slow about coming forward. They took responsibility for some of the issues the public supported with coalition negotiations acting as a trade-off: I’ll give you this if you give me that.
NZ First swept back into government on the strength of making English our official language, protecting the name New Zealand, ending He Puapua, winding up the Waitangi Tribunal, ending the separate Maori health system, stopping the creep of Maori language into public services and protecting national interests against foreign demands from organisations like UNDRIP and WHO.
Winding up the Waitangi Tribunal by 2025 didn’t make it into the National-NZ First coalition agreement, it was a bridge too far for Luxon and ACT’s public referendum on the Treaty was a bridge too far for Peters.
Below are excerpts from the Coalition Agreement between National and NZ First 24 November 2023:

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David Seymour isn’t shabby either. ACT campaigned on ending Maori co-governance and holding a public referendum to establish Treaty Principles.
Winding up the Waitangi Tribunal by 2025 didn’t make it into the National-NZ First coalition agreement, it was a bridge too far for Luxon and ACT’s public referendum on the Treaty was a bridge too far for Peters.
Below are excerpts from the Coalition Agreement between National and NZ First 24 November 2023:

Click images to view
David Seymour isn’t shabby either. ACT campaigned on ending Maori co-governance and holding a public referendum to establish Treaty Principles.
David Seymour said ACT would legislate that the principles of the Treaty were based on what the Treaty actually says rather than “revisionist interpretations”.
“We can ensure Maori language and culture are preserved, that every child has equal opportunity, and that the wrongs of the past are put right. Attributing separate rights through co-government will never achieve this, it only causes more division,” Seymour said in a statement.
“There is nothing in any of the three Treaty articles that suggests Maori should have special rights above other New Zealanders. The Treaty itself guarantees that ‘all the ordinary people of New Zealand … have the same rights and duties of citizenship’.”
Here is another excerpt from National and Act Coalition Agreement 24 November 2023:
National and NZ First opposed the referendum, Luxon said it would be divisive and Peters’ fallback position on disbanding the Tribunal turned into putting them back in their box saying they are “…getting involved in all sorts of decision making which is not democratic in any way, shape or form. Far too much is being ignored as they assume powers they never had”.
The best the public can hope for regarding the Waitangi Tribunal is the disappointing objective of pulling them back into line rather than disbanding them.
Luxon took a step to the right when he signed the 24 November Coalition Agreements but just three days later on 27 November he side-stepped again saying the National Party will “support the Treaty Principles Bill to the first reading and that’s the extent of National’s commitment”.
National’s support not promised past Select Committee isn’t in the coalition agreement, but that doesn’t mean that the coalition partners weren’t aware.
Somewhere between signing the coalition agreement and the Maori Party kicking up a stink about their fast-disappearing racial privilege, Luxon came out with the defining Select Committee statement.
The Treaty Principles Bill is last in ACT’s negotiated corrections, but does that make it less important than the first item on the list which is removing co-governance?
John Key had kept the Maori Party close, but the Maori Party back then were not the mad hatter Maori Party of today where co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer describes the coalition government as white supremacists.
How effective was the 1840 signing of the Treaty of Waitangi when it was followed by three decades of violence between tribes, between settlers and tribes and between settlers, tribes and the Crown?
Sporadic armed conflict accompanied the settlement of New Zealand, from 1843 to 1869, with the bulk of the fighting during the 1860s in Taranaki, Waikato, the Bay of Plenty, and the east coast of the North Island. These armed conflicts have been referred to as “Maori wars”, “land wars”, “the great wars of Aotearoa”, “Anglo-Maori wars”, “sovereignty wars”, or “the New Zealand wars”. During these wars, nearly 3000 people lost their lives, including pro- and anti-government Maori, settlers, and British soldiers.
Why didn’t we expect that history would, and did, repeat itself when the Waitangi Tribunal re-wrote the Treaty?
Set up by the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975, the Waitangi Tribunal is a permanent commission of inquiry that makes recommendations on claims brought by Maori relating to Crown actions which breach the promises made in the Treaty of Waitangi.
Note the word permanent. The Tribunal will go on forever if its objectives are not re-evaluated as ACT and NZ First are pushing for and reined in as the public wants.
This coalition Government was elected to fix this mess, so Luxon better stop side stepping and allow his coalition partners to give us what we voted for.
Suze sees herself as a New Zealander whose heritage shaped but does not define, and believes unless we protect our rights and freedoms they will be taken off us by a few powerful people. This article was first published HERE
And if they don't Suze, "We the People" are going to have to get involved with 'mass bloody European style protests' and force our will onto our elected "Public Servants" until they get the bloody message that WE are in charge!!
Enough is Enough.
National is doing very well in my opinion. Luxon is being the moderate statesman, the chairman of the board while Seymour and Peters are getting stuck in to make real change. That's a good approach.
Remember they face an openly hostile media and a very woke electorate. I'm pleasantly surprised with Luxon's determination and focus.
A woke electorate did note vote Luxon et al into power. The electorate voted Labour and cohorts and the Woke out. Now Luxon is saying there is a Crown -Maori partnership ie spouting Woke and fundamentally wrong history.
What the hell is going on?
PS that is the polite form of my question.
Errata: did not vote Luxon in. ( the not did a disappearing act).
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