
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Derek Mackie: Jacinda's leadership - documentary or hero-worship?

The latest offering from the “documentary” stable of the NZ Film Commission, covering the leadership of Jacinda Ardern and the alleged rise of violent extremism and online hate in NZ, may end up being as fair, balanced and neutral as a Labour Party political broadcast. 

 It doesn’t have a title yet but what about:- 

             JACINDA-MANIA - to the edge of reason and beyond 

 Funded to the tune of $800k of tax-payers money, this visual feast promises to tell her “truth”, her single source of “truth”....and nothing like the real truth, about the meteoric rise, but not the precipitous fall, of one of New Zealand’s most iconic leaders. 
 Some might reasonably object to this kind of spending as frivolous and inappropriate, given the straitened times we live in. Or even a complete waste of money given the Commission’s track record of funding commercial flops. Probably both. 

 This is my take on how it should go. 
An inspiring story of an idealistic young woman, with a smile wider than the Hauraki Plains, where she grew up in a rural town, wrapped in the bosom of a religious community. Destined for greater things, she headed for the big city of Hamilton where she studied Communication Studies in Politics and Public Relations, and started her enduring love affair with socialism and the word “comrade”. 

 Joining the Labour Party and being elected to parliament, while at the same time holding office as President of the International Union of Socialist Youth and still saying comrade a lot, it was only a matter of time before she floated to the top through the flotsam and jetsam of quickfire failed Labour leaders. 
Being young, female and armed with a dazzling smile, a kind-and-caring disposition and the ability to put on a concerned frown, or culturally sensitive headgear, at the drop of a national emergency, she soon captured the hearts and minds of many Kiwis. Although nowhere near enough to finish first in the 2017 general election. 

 Thanks entirely to NZFirst and their leader’s animosity towards the National Party, she became Prime Minister and set about showing off all the skills her Communications degree had given her. 
And boy, could she communicate. Going principally for quantity over quality, she could talk her way to the end of an allotted interview slot on any subject other than the one she’d been questioned about. This skill, coupled with the compliance of most MSM interviewers, ensured a smooth and easy political ride through her first term. 

 Even still, by early 2020 the shine was wearing off her slightly strained smile and the polls were less than convincing that she could secure a second term. Her ability to talk-up big but deliver next to nothing was becoming harder to hide. 
Then Covid came along and Jacinda came into her own. The perfect opportunity to force everyone in the country to stay at home, watch TV and listen to her pontificate from the “podium of truth” every lunchtime.  A captive audience is every politician’s dream, particularly one infused with the zeal of “progressive” socialism and a mission to change the world and make it a Lefter place.
A scared populace listened attentively and followed the authoritarian and sometimes contradictory edicts, always issued in Jacinda’s soft, comforting, concerned tones. 
Backed up every step of her press conference by her small team of “experts” - 
Ashley the Thin Controller, Siouxsie the Banshee, Shaun the Sheep and Michael “yer a wizard Harry” 
all claiming to be scrupulously “independent” but just happening to exactly support her agenda and agree 100% on everything. Choir-boys deviate more from the same song sheet than this lot. 
And to sucker us in, her two favourite journalists, who both got invites to her wedding, were repeatedly chosen to ask predetermined “probing” questions to give the public assurance that due diligence was alive and well in the Fourth Estate. Yeah, right! 

 As a result, she was swept back into power with an absolute majority but still took her loyal minions, The Greens, with her to repay them for their unquestioning blind loyalty to the far-Left. The kind of loyalty she thrives on. 

 Fortress Aotearoa was created to eliminate the evil virus - a delusional aspiration - then slow it down after the sneaky little bugger inevitably found its way out of managed isolation via  inmates slipping past the top-notch, but minimum wage, security team for a midnight McDonalds. 
Face masks became the new fashion accessory and a badge of honour amongst some of our woker citizens who took to wearing them in their car... while driving on their own... with the windows up. 
Most did little to stop you contracting the virus but that fancy patterned material made you stand out from the pale blue sea of mediocrity as you socially-distanced outside the local supermarket. 

 Then, praise be! A vaccine was developed in record-breaking time. It was so safe, apparently, it didn’t even have to be tested properly and “whingers” who complained of serious side-effects were told it was just a coincidence that their health was ruined within weeks of getting jabbed.
Jacinda assured us it would be optional, as per the Bill of Rights, then after full consideration of how she could go even higher in the polls, announced a week later that you could still choose not to be vaccinated but you’d lose your job, income, probably your house, and be a social pariah if you refused.
 She also assured us we would be among the first to get the vaccine and, as with so many of her promises, it turned out we were right at the front…of the very back of the queue. 
In light of the mounting international evidence of elevated excess deaths, vaccine safety concerns and low efficacy, in hindsight many may have wished never to have been in the queue at all, but that’s a subject to be left on the cutting room floor of another NZ Film Commission documentary, I suspect. 

 Our PM’s position seemed unassailable. And yet, like most ideologues whose grasp on reality and common-sense is often fleeting, in the midst of a global pandemic she pursued a racially driven agenda to make our part-Maori elites joint rulers. This did not go down well and news soon spread, though not from our mainstream media who had been paid off to follow the party line and stifle reporting and debate. 
As they say, the truth will out. But this time, not Jacinda’s version of it. 

 That was the beginning of the end and her poll ratings headed south. Not one familiar with being unpopular and suffering defeat and disappointment - although as a member of the Labour Party this is their historical default position so she really should have known better - she decided to resign rather than be rejected. 
Having fulfilled her obligations to those she served - namely the United Nations, World Economic Forum, and her old neo-marxist alma mater the International Union of Socialist Youth - she was awarded a dual fellowship at Harvard specialising in her favourite topic, misinformation. 
Pretty much the only thing she excelled at and showed an exceptional talent for while PM. 

 In summary, Jacinda Ardern was a charismatic politician who, more than most, experienced the emotional roller-coaster ride from the highs of public adulation to the lows of public resentment and anger. 
The perfect example of communication over competence. To her the message was everything. Following through and achieving results was very much an optional extra and usually one she chose not to, or was simply unable, to take. Which, luckily for us, meant that she was just as bad when it came to enacting racist, biased, unfair policies as everything else. 

 Though don’t expect this documentary to show that. Instead, you’ll only see Jacinda in her prime; comforting victims of the mosque massacre, leading the nation through the Covid battle, tackling extremism with her hate speech laws. Then being cruelly taken down by online hate, aka alternative opinion to you and me. 

 In reality, Jacinda did more to divide New Zealand than any other leader. 
By race, by ethnicity, by gender, by vaccination status, by opinion, by Treaty rights and obligations, by access to healthcare, by rights to water, by ownership of the coastline. Jacinda literally became the by-word in division, all the while preaching a facade of kindness and caring and inclusivity. 
She was a living, breathing oxymoron!   So, with a huge sigh of relief, we said bye-bye.

 My recommendation would be to complain to your MP and support the Taxpayers Union petition to have the funding withdrawn from the Film Commission and a full review of its function and practices initiated. 
Failing that, on no account watch it unless you want to trigger nightmares and uncontrolled outbursts of emotion. 

 Jacinda-mania. A condition that most of us suffered temporarily from to some degree but the lady herself was most severely afflicted and is still showing no sign of recovery. 

Derek Mackie is a former geologist with a keen interest in current affairs and a penchant for satire.


TJS said...

Gorgeous! If only the doco was to be written as a black comedy you too Derek could be on the receiving end of a well paid contract! Alas it would be funny if it weren't so tragic.

Anonymous said...

New Zealand, the 'real sad little plot of earth (now being reclaimed by Maoridom - yes the TOW is a fictional piece of paper)-'that in 2016 rushed to the Polls to vote, for what appeared to be an energetic young female [sorry can not use word women, that has been erased from all Dictionary's] - only to find that what we voted for was not what we wanted' - sadly it took 5 years to learn that.

Well you may have, me no way - if NZ had been made aware of the background of Jacinda Ardern - me thinks she 'may have sat, once again in opposition' - that is if National had 'got its Act together'.

Those who have a Socialist 'bent', do not have the people skills nor are they interested ín the people, only their vote (and once in power their money), who will then be relegated to the back of the class.

So we have the portent of a Documentary, if made and shown across the Country, can we ask if those who will who will show this 'wonderous piece of information', if they will show to New Zealand The Documentary, put together by those who were there, on the Anti Covid Protest on the lawn of our Parliament?

Anonymous said...

“Thanks to the National Parties constant animosity towards New Zealand First” — I fixed it for you.

Anonymous said...

Please link to the petition mentioned in the article.

Allan said...

An absolutely accurate summary Derek. If you were directing the 'Cinders film, I would definitely make a point of going to see it. As it is now likely to be no more than a propaganda piece, probably on a par with Al Gore's AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH. Shown to our children to teach them that lies are truths, & you must believe your Marxist inspired teachers. Why else would our most disastrous Prime Minister be made to look like a super star..