
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bob Jones: Small country self-consciousness

A recent Herald issue ran a guest article by a tourist operator, a Gavin Oliver, in which he referred to “Aotearoa as one of the world’s most desirable tourist locations”.

Putting aside the reality that no-one anywhere in the world will have heard of Aotearoa, Gavin is talking world-class tosh.

Take out naturally avoided war-torn nations and New Zealand is one of the least desired tourist locations in the world, currently ranking in 133rd place. France for example gets as many tourists every 10 days as we do in a year.

Gavin’s astonishing ignorant comment reflects a particularly embarrassing New Zealand trait, namely the ridiculous belief that the whole world is in awe, overcome with admiration about New Zealand.

My pick, if people were no longer wisely shunning Black Africa, is we would rate almost last as a tourist destination with the likes of only North Korea and such horror places behind us. The reason for that is not our geographic isolation, this no longer a factor in an age of mass cheap tourism, but simply because, compared with most countries we’re not very interesting which is why about 15% of us have upped sticks to live abroad.

I choose to live here for a number of reasons but would be gone in a flash if I couldn’t periodically leave. Currently, I spend about 8 months of the year abroad.

None of this to knock New Zealand, rather it’s to call for an end to the sort of infantile nonsense written by Gavin Oliver about our alleged wonderfulness in the eyes of the wider world.

Sir Bob Jones is a renowned author, columnist , property investor, and former politician, who blogs at No Punches Pulled HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Bob I have never seen more 'good people ' upping sticks and leaving. I don't see many tourists.

Ive been saying recently pretty soon there are just going to be labours finest citizens, ( the unemployment criminals ) and pensioners left in this country.
Although I say this tounge in cheek it is actually the truth and very real.

This poor little country is in real, very real trouble.

Kiwialan said...

Bob, I lived and tutored in ShenZhen, China for over which is an incredible, progressive Special Economic Zone for over 11 years. Returning to New Zealand was like visiting a third world country albeit quaint with spectacular scenery, but lacking a selection of differing cuisines, world class entertainment plus bombarded with maori crap everywhere you go. I love my Country but this incompetent pack of corrupt racists pretending to govern it makes it difficult to enjoy living here. Kiwialan.

Anna Mouse said...

Some parts of 'New Zealand' are quite fabulous to visit and some parts are best avoided.

For a Tourist it is sad that now the parts to be avoided are more than the parts to visit.

New Zealand once punched above our weight as a nation for a 'tourist' destination.

Now tourists are just as likely to get punched in many destinations in 'Aotearoa'

DeeM said...

Totally agree, Bob.
The NZ media relentlessly tell us how great and wonderful we are when in reality we just ain't. Who'd believe that bunch of muppets anyway, when all they do is deal in Left-wing spin.

We have some great scenery, but so do lots of other places.
Our history and architecture barely registers and we obsess about sport. Less so these days, I think.

Used to be a great place to bring up a family but we certainly can't claim that anymore with a broken education system, hugely expensive housing and high cost of living.

We seem to have lost some of our confidence and spirit which is the biggest shame of all.
And yet, well over a 40% of people in this country still think the Left are the answer to their prayers.

And the latest generation seem to think having "supposed" mental health problems or some anxiety disorder is a badge of honour. And gender, or lack of it, the most pressing issue of their time. Being normal just ain't cool no more.

Maybe that's the real problem!

Anonymous said...

Getting rid of the Māori seats would unify the country

Anonymous said...

The tour operator should consider changing his job.... he is like a surgeon without an operating theatre who says he can still deliver first-class medical treatment.
Totally delusional.

Anonymous said...

Of those who have "posted a comment" to this article and also to those who will read Sir Robert's article, then scroll down to read those "posted comments below" - I would ask you ALL, how many have "clicked into YouTube" and seen posted video footage of "places to visit", the "click bait video headings", designed to make you open the video - then have and/or had a "cringe moment".

I give you an example. There is American gent, who with family has visited Europe, many times, and posts to YouTube (the messages are aimed at American's in the first instant) -- the Title of each video - " What to and/or not to do when visiting ..."! Some of the points are relevant, but it can turn you off, thinking well "if I can not/ why visit".

Relevance - we have in this Country American's who have come here to live & work, and there are many "who posts video's to YouTube" - the main subject matter - "The 5 > weirdest and/or unusual or we did not like etc.." - in simple terms can be " bitch & moan session". The most recent I have seen, a young American Male, "who bitched that his apartment did not have a clothes drier in the laundry"?? Hello!

Again when anyone sees this data, social media (YouTube being the biggest social media outlet - you film it, then post it) - being what it is - then becomes a turn off for anyone who has intentions to visit.

Sadly, we seem to be in a position that South Africa found themselves in with the ANC doing to that Country, what Maoridom seems to want to do here - the NZ MSM have highlighted this - so if you are a potential Tourist, are you likely to want to visit?

ANON, of New Zealand