
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

David Farrar: Mayor should focus on Wellington not Palestine

Stuff reports:

wellington mayor Tory Whanau is facing criticism for a social media post the NZ Jewish Council says uses code for the “annihilation of Israel”, but has the backing of another Jewish group.

“Exist, resist, return”, Whanau's Instragram post on Monday said above a picture of what appears to be a hamas fighter with a gun slung over their back. The words “free Palestine” are below.

Whanau has long been a supporter of the Palestinian cause. However, her post has come in the wake of a deadly Hamas attack on Israel – and Israel's widely-criticised counter-attack, which has led to a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

NZ Jewish Council president Juliet Moses said it was “shocking” the capital city's mayor would post the message at a time when New Zealand Jewish schools and day cares were having to increase security due to a rise in anti-Semitic threats and rhetoric.

1,100 Jews were slaughtered, raped and executed by Hamas attackers. Their bodes were defiled. And Wellington's Mayor thinks it appropriate to post something glorifying armed “resistance”.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately it shows just how bold and dangerous these nut cases are.....throw in a bottle of wine and I can only imagine what the capital city's mayor might say.

Still we have ourselves to blame as we, the people, elected this individual.

As the saying goes, we get what we deserve. It's disgusting and sad but this is where we are at as a country.

DeeM said...

Just another brain-dead Green who hasn't the mental capacity to separate an atrocity from a political cause.
Keep it up, Tory. You won't just be known for being a loud-mouth, piss-head. You can also add condoner of mass-murder and supporter of terrorism to your CV.

You'd hope that Wellington would see sense and kick Tory across Cook Strait into the channel that bears her name but I doubt it.
Which means our "beloved" capital consists of a majority hot-bed of crazy Lefties, just like Tory.

Absolutely, abysmally. Wellington!!

EP said...

DeeM you have said it all.

LNF said...

Yes DeeM you are 100% correct. Imagine what past Mayors with skill, ability and class would think of this rubbish bunch. Don't know how councilors like Chung and Calvert stand being in the same room with the fools. Not a business brain cell in their head

Anonymous said...

Wellingtons water and infrastructure is a mess. She should focus on that as she is the mayor.

Anonymous said...

The best bit of this all is, that reducing the Wellington Govt. sector by maybe even 50% is not going to damage any nice well balanced people.
Brings to mind the joke about why in medical science they are using lawyers rather than rats for experiments, it runs as "they mimic more closely the human race and the staff don't get attached"

Doug Longmire said...

Well said, Dee !!