
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

David Farrar: The most uncontrite resignation ever

the press conference by the Green co-leaders over the resignation of Golriz Ghahraman for alleged shoplifting was incredibly tone deaf. You would have thought that Ghahraman was the victim, rather than the actual victims.

Trying to excuse what happened as being due to stress from the job is insulting to all the people who are also very stressed but don't shoplift.

Yes it seems bizarre that someone who is in the top 1% of income earners would shoplift, but that doesn't make it less worse. And the value of the items allegedly stolen were high enough to be difficult for even someone on an MPs salary to afford.

It is not as if this was a one off moment of madness. There were (at least) three incidents. How many more were there? A truly contrite person would actually apologise to the victims.

The resignation was stated to be the best thing for Ghahraman's mental health. That isn't why she should resign. The resignation should have been about the fact you can't be an MP and commit serious crimes. Both her statement and the co-leaders statements made it all about her, rather than the victims and the importance of MPs not to repeatedly break the law.

Golriz, like all of us, is imperfect. Few of us never stuff up, do something we regret etc. You shouldn't judge people by the worst thing they have done, but by their overall contribution. But when you do stuff up, you should be contrite.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Jo said...

I knew that she would blame mental health. It is an excuse that the left often use to justify criminal action. It is never their fault. Their brain made them steal that designer dress. They tried to argue with their brain but they were forced to steal it. It was out of their control. What a joke.

Kawena said...

We live in a free society but within that freedom is a certain amount of responsibility. However, if you abrogate that responsibility and get caught, there is a certain price to pay.

DeeM said...

"You shouldn't judge people by the worst thing they have done, but by their overall contribution."

Not sure about that. Depends on how worse.
In the case of shoplifting, a minor misdemeanour, the statement does apply.
But what exactly was Golriz's overall contribution to NZ? She made it a more divisive, negative place in which she happily cancelled people for holding opposing views and supported racism and transgender violence.
In light of that, if only she'd stuck to shoplifting her overall contribution would have been so much better.

As predicted, it's poor Golriz. Struggling on her high salary and the perks of her elite position, her mental health in tatters. The MSM trotting out all the "experts" to excuse her behaviour and heap blame on the system instead.
But Golriz was part of the system. She made it like that.
You reap what you sow.

And what's this about Mzzz Swarbrick being in the shop at the same time. Oh, to get rid of smug Chloe as well.
Now that would be two birds with one stone.

Anonymous said...

Her co worker in the shop at the same time is the big story, she has jumped to draw attention from the big story.
The Greens will loose James Shaw once the MSM focus on his over statement of qualification, or lying as it normally called and loosing Chloe would be terminal when you look at what is left of the mob.

F,Sharp said...

We need to wait until the police have completed their investigations before we pass judgement. Personally I disagree with just about everything Golriz Ghahraman stands for in her political world but I also agree that Shaw and Davidson do not help matters by their open attempt to downplay the alleged offences.

Having said that, there is such a disease called kleptomania. The Mayo Clinic defines it as "Kleptomania is a type of impulse control disorder — a disorder that involves problems with emotional or behavioral self-control. If you have an impulse control disorder, you have difficulty resisting the temptation or powerful urge to perform an act that's excessive or harmful to you or someone else. Kleptomania is rare but can be a serious condition. It can cause much emotional pain to you and your loved ones — and even legal problems — if not treated. Many people with kleptomania live lives of secret shame because they're afraid to seek mental health treatment. Although there's no cure for kleptomania, treatment with medicine or skill-building therapy that focuses on dealing with urges may help to end the cycle of compulsive stealing."

I seem to recall Lady Bonham Carter in the UK, who, I think, was part of a BBC radio programme along with Denis Norden, Frank Muir and another. If I recall correctly, she shoplifted and was found to be suffering from kleptomania. Of course, one cannot tell if this discovery was factual or deceitful: "only those in the know, know the truth". But we should always give the benefit of the doubt to the accused.

Anonymous said...

Par for the course in this Orwellian upside-down world of the Greens.

Heaven help NZ if this lot is ever in power.

Ewan McGregor said...

As a result of Cyclone Gabriele there are thousands in Gisborne and Hawke's Bay who have been under far greater stress than an MP, particularly a list one, and there has been no increase in theft from shops. The woman's a thief, period. No excuses.

Anonymous said...

Maybe, and this is all made up by the way.
Golriz was stealing to order for Chloe but Chloe didn’t like it and wanted something else, a bit more bling perhaps. Dressing like a green is sooooo drab, I mean have you seen Julia Ann Genter lately?
And what about the Maori MPs pink suits and cowboy hats, that’s more like it 👍

Anonymous said...

Dee M - Your comment would be very much endorsed by the Majority of the New Zealand Public.

Anyone who does "not see through the current charade of the blame game, self pity, woe is me", then I feel sorry for them as well.

I would also add, one should actually ask Dear Golriz, as to why she recently appeared a "Support Palestine Rally, in Wellington", when she would have known that HAMAS have been supported by Iran, a Country she & her family are supposed to be refugees from?

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for people with kleptomania. They should admit it and get help and accept their punishment.

Blaming others, playing the victim card, talking about complex needs is the rhetoric of the last govt that everyone got so sick of.

If a kleptomaniac-apologist had their keys stolen or wallet, glasses, clothes… then I’m sure a lot of their minimisation of the behaviour would suddenly evaporate.

Anonymous said...

If the Green 'co-worker' is an MP, knew that the offence had occurred, and remained complicitly silent surely that person should also resign.

Robert Arthur said...

In my younger days mps, even those from Unions, seemed to be reasonably normal people with apparently standard sexuality, reasonable ethics and often conventional employment or business backgrounds
Since the advent of tv, the mania for name brand and high end goods seems to have become imbued at all levels from infants onward. It is incredible how strong the drive now is.
But the mystery is that anyone on Goldritz's salary should be wanting for money (unless of course she only recently entered the housing market).
Possibly having championed cases for the supposed disadvantaged, she has developed the persecution complex so evident among the likes of maori activists. Possibly the shop lifting was an instinctive reaction to spite the supposed controlling classes (currently colonist descendants).just like ram raiding.
As one who has frittered hours making submissions to Select Committees, it is dispiriting to realise that the effort may not be viewed by anyone rational.
The Greens have certainly drifted a long way since those fine principled persons, Jeanette and Rod

Anonymous said...

Kleptomania maybe, but is it known to be so selective - as in only happening in shops and only with certain high value items? And now purportedly three times and being only those known about?

Whatever - such activity is not in anyway befitting a Parliamentarian and, as it was never denied, the more immediate outcome is entirely appropriate.

But as for all the claptrap about stress and being a woman, and one of colour etc. - that's no justification or excuse, and is so typical of the claims of the woke.

Anonymous said...

I have Kleptomania when it gets real bad I take something for it 🤣
Yesterday, I attended a meeting for people with kleptomania. When I walked in the room a man greeted me and asked me to take a seat, so I did. As I was leaving he asked me to put it back or he would call the cops 😬

Anonymous said...

So the Green Party leadership was advised on December 27th and Golriz left for overseas on the 28th yet one of the reasons why Shaw and whats her name kept the information close to their chest was that Golriz was overseas. That may make sense according to the Greens but it doesn't add up for me. An attempt at a deliberate coverup maybe?

Anonymous said...

Labour essentially endorsed theft with their " go lightly" attitude to stealing trolley loads of groceries from supermarkets.
What's Cuddles Coster attitude to this blatant shoplifting ?
Full prosecution or it's another case of poor potty training ?