
Sunday, December 17, 2023

David Farrar: Hamas now trying to kill Jews everywhere

Stuff reports:

European police have foiled a major Hamas plot to attack jewish sites across the continent, with seven suspected members of the terror group arrested in raids in germany, Denmark and the Netherlands.

The Hamas operatives were told to bring a cache of weapons, buried at an undisclosed location in europe, to Berlin to attack Jewish institutions, German prosecutors said.

Maybe people will realise that what motivates Hamas is not a territorial dispute. They just like to kill Jews.

And have a look at what Palestinian are taught. Watch the video to find out who is responsible!

Take a look at a Palastinian classroom!

— Dani Buller (@askdani__real) December 14, 2023

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Anonymous said...

Exclusive video and images obtained by Al Jazeera this morning show bodies piled up inside the Shadia Abu Ghazala School in the al-Faluja area, west of the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

Witnesses said a number of people including women, children and babies were killed execution-style by Israeli forces while sheltering inside the school.

“The Israeli soldiers came in and opened fire on them,” a woman at the scene said. “They took all men, then entered classrooms and opened fire on a woman and all the children with her.”

The woman said there were newborn children among them. “The Israeli soldiers executed those innocent families at point blank,” she added.

Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud is in southern Gaza in Rafah for the latest developments.

Anonymous said...

Israel's Mossad spy agency director David Barnea has been dispatched back to Doha amid reports that the Netanyahu government is open to pursuing a second temporary truce and hostage deal.

Axios describes it as "the first meeting between senior Israeli and Qatari officials since the collapse of the seven-day ceasefire that led to the expansion of the Israeli military operation to southern Gaza." Looming in the background is intensifying pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu in the wake of Friday's 'friendly fire' incident which killed three hostages who had been trying to escape Hamas captivity.

Anonymous said...

Maybe people will realise that what motivates Israel is not a territorial dispute. They just like to kill Palestinians.

And have a look at what Israelis do. Even unarmed shirtless Palestinians waving a white flag in surrender are gunned down. Unfortunately those Palestinians were actually the Israeli hostages they were supposed to be saving.

CXH said...

Anon at 12.34, perhaps it is better to be gunned down than stripped, raped, killed, paraded, all on film so your supporters could celebrate.

Or not.

Anonymous said...

You cannot have peace with these people with such destructive attitudes. HAMAS violated a cease fire to murder, brutalize, rape and kidnap civilians. They have violated agreements many times. They cannot be trusted. They cannot be negotiated with. They cannot however save their people pain, but not hiding and using them as human shields.