
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Derek Mackie: Once upon a time in the West

Councils get a kick from cutting back the speed limit 
Forty’s the new Fifty, more speed bumps every minute 
Near deserted bike lanes, empty buses rumbling past 
In the pecking order, cars are firmly last 
Road cones sprout and multiply at an alarming rate 
Endless Stop/Go signs appear - gee thanks, mate! 
Constant roadworks, little working, drivers getting stressed 
Progress? It’s the same everywhere in the West 

Think climate change is natural? Best stay quiet, no confiding 
The UN strongly disagrees and you’re sure to COP a hiding 
CO2’s a trace gas, traps hardly any heat at all 
It’s been much higher in the past when Ice Ages held us in their thrall 
Pointing out the facts is a dangerous course 
You’ll be branded a denier by the screaming Greenie force 
Logic and reason gets a bullet in the chest 
Groupthink! It’s the same everywhere in the West 

At primary these days, maths and reading are old school 
Instead, littlies learn gender studies - a “progressive” modern tool 
Forget Boy and Girl pigeon-holes, two’s no kind of choice 
You can be anything you want to be - Fluid sounds quite nice 
Never mind they’re too immature to understand this shite 
Gender dysphoria - say what? Puberty blockers see them right 
Surely kids deserve debate to find out what works best 
Nah - WHO guessed! It’s the same everywhere in the West

Common sense is MIA, the Western World’s gone mad 
There’s no shared middle ground no more, you’re either good or bad 
Left hates Right and obsesses over extreme societal change 
Asks for voter feedback, then proceeds just the same 
The media's mostly captured, so too academics and celebs 
Now all that remains is indoctrinating all the mindless plebs 
Makes me hanker for the past, I truly must confess 
Oh yeah! Once upon a time in the West 

Today, brown and black are in-vogue, the favoured shades and faces 
It’s payback time, quite literally, for the despised colonial races 
History’s been massaged, the message loud and clear 
Democracy is past it, now power sharing's here 
Stone age has made a come-back, enlightenment is fading 
I think we’ll keep the wheel and steel, but science is degrading 
Can New Zealand buck the trend and purge the vipers nest? 
Please, yes! Once upon a time in the West 

Oh yeah, once upon a time in the West 

Derek Mackie is a former geologist with a keen interest in current affairs and a penchant for satire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reply to the author:

This woke new world has gone way too far
And this is all due to massively lowering the bar.....

Who, today, is a genuine Kiwi?
People are having really hard times - except for the Iwi.....

How best to survive? There's no way of knowing
But, when the going gets tough, the tough must get going........

NZers need to feel in their belly
To fight the good fight - and start by watching less tele.