
Tuesday, December 12, 2023

David Farrar: So who approved five year contracts?

The Herald reports:

prime Minister Christopher Luxon says big cheques will have to be written to pay out the many contracts canned as a result of repealing Three Waters. …

Luxon admitted there were employees under the scheme who were only one year into five-year contracts who would have to be paid out.

Whoever approved five year contracts should be named. It was well known that the centralisation model imposed by the Government would be reversed by a new Government.

David Farrar runs Curia Market Research, a specialist opinion polling and research agency, and the popular Kiwiblog where this article was sourced. He previously worked in the Parliament for eight years, serving two National Party Prime Ministers and three Opposition Leaders.


Ewan McGregor said...

Exactly. This practice of paying great sums to terminate contracts is scandalous. A lowly worker who is no longer wanted can simply be shown the door, or, if lucky, paid a modest redundancy.

Anonymous said...

Masters of extortion.

High time for robust public protest.

Anonymous said...

Those who received large payouts may be legally entitled to them but they are taking taxpayer money for nothing.

Moral pressure should be applied to return the money voluntarily. If not then let the public know who they are.

It is in the public’s interest to know who has had their snout in the trough. It will make those on both sides of such deals understand that it is public money.

Dave M said...

Unfortunately, if this reported at all in the MSM, the new Government will be made to look like the bad boys for reversing a policy that the media will continue to peddle as a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Don’t terminate the contracts. Make them work them out say, disbanding the public service, taking down road signs and notices with redundant names etc etc. Be gracious though and allow them to walk from their contract at any time, if convenient to the government, without penalty. Win-win all round.

Jan Noble said...

I agree with anonymous. Don’t terminate their contract but make them work out the contracts doing other work. That would save the government paying out huge sums of money all at once. They could always help fixing the roads or something similar. If they don’t like the work they can leave.

Anonymous said...

There are no 5 year contracts for people on 3 waters.

Somebody has mispoken or been misinformed, think confusion with supplier contracts.

There are 5 year contracts for 3rd party suppliers. They have 'offramps' for change of gov/policy.

All the details would be all over by now, how many people, who approved it, how much it will cost.

Nobody does 5 year contracts as with such long terms contractors become considered employees (and need holiday pay and other benefits).
The majority of contracts for people come with a 4 week notice, be it a 3, 6, 12 or 18 month contract.