
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Ele Ludemann: Inciting violence

Free speech has limits.

Inciting violence is one of them and that is what this looks like:

It follows threats of war :

Jackson said he was hearing from some they were ready to “go to war” over the matter.

“Be very clear, I don’t want any disruption or violence. I’m not advocating for that at all. But I do understand our people’s frustration and anger if this was to go ahead … I’m saying to you what Māori have been saying to me … they’re saying ‘This is not going to happen, we will do anything that has to be done to stop that referendum’.

“I’m just giving a warning: I work amongst our people … who will go to war for this, war against [ACT leader David] Seymour and his mates.” . . .

The right to protest is qualified by the requirement to do it peacefully. The right to free speech is qualified by restrictions on incitement to violence and threats.

The image is not a peaceful one and could easily be interpreted as inciting violence and the threat of war is clear.

The image and threats wouldn’t be tolerated if they came from groups opposed to what the party wants. . They should not be tolerated from groups supporting it.

Ele Ludemann is a North Otago farmer and journalist, who blogs HERE - where this article was sourced.


Anonymous said...

I was wondering what their endgame is for this "war" that they are waging against western society, and what that might look like. So let's imagine democracy has gone in nz and that tribal law has replaced it. Parliament and westminster laws have been thrown out, and 2 million people have left the country. The economy has tanked and various chiefs, all of whom must be men, now hold totalitarian control over all remaining citizens. Anyone who owns private land has been forced to give it back to the tribal groups. Electricity and food and water supplies are no longer operating effectively. ..and crime is everywhere. Gosh that sounds much better than what we have now doesn't it!

Anonymous said...

Just read today’s headlines in Stuff. The loathing is palpable. What on earth has happened to NZ?