
Monday, December 4, 2023

Robert MacCulloch: NZ's MainStream Media is deeply manipulative - It now wants to overthrow the new gov't.

My mother used to tell me a story about how the daughter of a prominent family who owned a large media outlet had applied for journalism school. At the interview they asked her if she had any relatives working in the business. She was young and told the truth. She said her uncle was the owner and CEO of that outlet. She was promptly rejected.

On another note, the reason I started this blog was because the MainStream Media (MSM) began rejecting my articles it saw as critiques of Labour & Greens, and accepting ones that were critiques of National, ACT & NZ First. The articles it did publish were edited without my permission, often distorting meaning, and then published under my name without me seeing the changes (much like Radio NZ was caught for "inappropriate editing" of Reuters articles about Ukraine). Regards media interviews, they were again heavily edited to distort meaning.

I now regard the NZ MainStream Media as running manipulative stories across a range of issues - as trying to push a "narrative". If you don't agree with that narrative, it will paint you as a morally awful person. Here are some examples:

= When I argued on this blog Labour had ordered the Covid vaccine late, resulting in the lockdown at the end of 2021, which is responsible for many of our present economic problems, the MSM ran a campaign to discredit me. Their "evidence" became a Pfizer representative who said the government had done nothing wrong in this regard. Obviously Big Pharma was not going to pick a fight with the NZ government when it depends on our government for huge orders of its products. Meanwhile Hipkins refused to release any of the government's Pfizer negotiations, citing "confidentiality". NZ for a long time was bottom of about 40 OECD nations in terms of vaccine rollout. I was right about the late vaccine order, and Sir John Key cited this blog's argument in his "hermit kingdom" speech. Meanwhile, the MSM was having none of it. It was in cahoots with Ardern & Hipkins throughout that period.

= Recently Newshub ran the headline "Brooke van Velden unconcerned by lack of diversity in Government". The article took down the ACT Deputy who was simply arguing the best person should get the job. But that is not how NZ is run any more. The MSM does not believe in meritocracy. The root of this country's problems is that incompetent folks have been appointed to many influential positions, not because they were the best qualified, hardest working, or smartest, but because other agendas were at play. How dare our MainStream Media turn against the ideal of merit as being the main factor determining who succeeds - and undermine the foundation of the engine of prosperity in our nation.

= The NZ Mainstream Media relentlessly paints inequality as a scourge on this country, and being at unacceptable levels. However it is not remotely at US or Chinese levels. What's more, many countries, like the US, are built on the ideal of opportunity, of the American Dream, which surveys prove is real. In a nation where a poor, yet hard-working & smart kid, can become rich using their own ingenuity and product innovations, there will be inequality. Many cultures support this way of running things. Why doesn't our MSM report this view?

= On the environment, our MainStream Media relentlessly supports Green policies. But one cannot ban fossil fuels right now because it would throw a billion people into poverty in India & China who rely on these fuels for heating & cooking. Until an alternative green energy source is discovered that is cheaper than coal those folks must - and will - continue to use coal to survive. However this "narrative" is not supported by our MainStream media. Again, why doesn't our MSM report this alternative not-so-green view?

= Our MainStream Media is now waging war on NZ First, National and ACT, much in the way the media turned on Trump and is presently turning on Musk. Our MSM no longer respects democracy and holds the view our present government is illegitimate.

New Zealand's MainStream Media should take a look at itself and realize a majority of the public don't like it and don't trust it. For many of the people who now work in the media industry, their main concern is to build a personal cult of celebrity around themselves for their own material and societal gain, at least in my experience. Their aim is not to inform the public. Their biased & manipulative opinions are dressed up as "analysis" & "fact checks".

Professor Robert MacCulloch holds the Matthew S. Abel Chair of Macroeconomics at Auckland University. He has previously worked at the Reserve Bank, Oxford University, and the London School of Economics. He runs the blog Down to Earth Kiwi from where this article was sourced.


Anna Mouse said...

You are not wrong.

The sad part is that in their desire to become 'identities'they open themselves up as public figures like Hollywood celebs....

Once that happens they too become fodder for the stalker class that they stated pre election was getting worse for them to do their jobs....

The irony (like most everything they view) is lost on them.

Anonymous said...

I start my response with this comment - "NZ MSM as running manipulative stories.." . "editing articles without prior consultation to original Author", "running campaigns to discredit (not just this author but others as well [example- Richard Prebble].

I assume that the Author of this article is "making an assumption" that their maybe "sticky fingers" behind the Editorial Teams of NZ MSM.

Can I suggest Professor, that you "run a magnifying glass over some of your Academic Colleague's" at - AUT, Auckland Uni, Massey Campuses', Wellington and possible the 2 in the South Island. Rationale for statement it has been proven that many Universities within America have "sticky fingers" in MSM there, so what is to stop them in NZ?

NewsHub - owned by Disney of America, who are well known across America, as well as their Cruise Liners, as being 'Non Binary' - thus it would be fair to say that they will "push for diversity within Employment / not ability", just as they do at Disney World.

Professor, look for the issues Ron DeSantis/ Florida State Governor has had with Disney World, in Florida.

Sadly this same philosophy has pervaded England and it has/ is causing employment issues.

I would like to see the International Green Parties - openly say to India, you must stop using coal. Such an action would destroy the majority of medium, to low key Industry (possibly some major as well) and it would destroy the income of many of the Citizens and the Country, not just the "home cooking".

I look forward to India establishing both Wind and solar panel farms, yeah right. Ditto with China.

I am sure that you are fully aware there is "no love" between NZ MSM and Winston Peters, this has longevity, so with his "recent vocal pronunciation, on the media, especially the PIJF" - with a "push from NZ on Air they are going to honour their contracts and start a war".

Sadly Winston stands alone, on this matter, Chris Luxon has made that very

Professor - seek Sunday 3 Dec/ Sunday Star Times/ read the Editorial by Tracy Watkins - who has a former background of being a Journo within the Press Gallery - and will have known Winston well, of past years - the article, me thinks will prove your points - That the MSM is "waging war".

It is sad to think that the majority of New Zealander's, may not/ will not and/or may not want to know of this website - if they did, then they would get to read articles not only like this one, but others who have the same open approach to New Zealand and what the Citizens - Need To Know.

Anonymous said...

MSM Media hate this government. Their govt lost, now they spit venom. Supported by those other anti democratic protesters planning to close roads.

Rob Beechey said...

Bravo Robert, very well said. Like you, my letters to the editor were rejected or worse, rewritten by the Christchurch Press. A newspaper once held in high respect for allowing balance. Today their Marxist bias has been unmasked. I remember having a bitter argument with the grossly left wing editor who suggested I take my beef to the Media Council only to find that they too are in cahoots with the propagandists.
I note of late that a few MSM types have filed their bias on this wonderful platform only to discover that the readers clearly object to having their opinions shaped.

Anonymous said...

There has always been media bias, but it is now openly acknowledged and embraced by reporters. They view themselves now as the guardians protecting citizens from harmful information or news that they cannot put into the proper perspective. Information is treated like sugary drinks under the Big Gulp laws, you are better off having others decide what is healthy for you to consume . . . or to know.

Corporate media thinks it is the only 'authority of truth' when the fact is TRUTH is the only authority.

Anonymous said...

Main Stream Media has become the equivalent of Women's magazineslike New Idea. Their headlines are deliberately sensational and promote "clicks" online. Sometimes the headline I click on is not even the headline of the actual article once it loads on your screen. Deliberate deception to get you to click on it. MSM such as TV1 and TV3 have become desperate to stay relevant and as a result have sold their soul. Sadly though this is also a reflection of the population at large don't you think? The MSM especially now that they all also have an online presence are dying so they have become "give the people what they want" or what is popular, rather than "what is best for the people" or well researched truth. They are also in a race to get the headline online first - resulting in errors and sloppiness. Also you need newspapers used to be subscribed to which meant only a certain type of readership. Now that they are all free online (started by Stuff and continued by other media) you have opened up to the "general public" hence a change in views - similar to radio talkback. Anyone can and does comment online and it doesn't take much time or effort. Compare that to writing a letter to the editor in the past. Many things have become "easier" for us all. But at what cost?

Anonymous said...

In response to "Anonymous" (5 December), much of what is put by media online is now not available unless one reads their print productions (or pays to have them available online) - e.g.: "Read more the Press or Dominion"

Anonymous said...

The power of the MSM is in my hands. I switched it off ages ago, so my mind isn't polluted each morning and evening with their agendas, opinions, half-truths, or downright lies. Simple! The handwringing at the recent demise of The Project on Three, because of falling viewership, is unlikely to startle the purveyors of this vile programming—they'll wrap the tripe up, and present it in another way. As for me, I'll be none the wiser to how the new show will look because I won't be watching.

Anonymous said...

Control the media and you control the country....Jacinda did have knowledge of communication if nothing else. And they are still being brainwashed at the school of journalism.