
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Derek Mackie: Retail therapy

Ponsonby prices eye-popping, Ms Green went a-shopping
High-end retail, exclusive, no trash 
She’d brought just enough money 
For the taxi home, honey 
She’d be needing to leave in a flash 

Ms Green looked around, designer merch I’ll be bound 
Her eyes wide with excitement, the thrill 
Such lovely handbags and purses 
Stick-thin skirts, tops and dresses 
And no need to checkout at the till 

While browsing away, she checked all was OK 
No cameras to capture the act 
Packed her bag to the brim 
And then on a whim 
Asked for a plastic-free designer sack 

After filling this too, said she was going to the loo 
And made a bee-line straight for the door 
There the store manager stood 
Arms akimbo, stern mood 
Stand aside, miss. Put the bags on the floor” 

Payment before possession? That’s minority oppression 
Ms Green wasn’t standing for that 
Clutching her bags to her chest 
She refused the request 
And fled the shop like a scalded she-cat 

With time to reflect on her plight, she booked an overseas flight 
A well-earned break, nice hotel on the beach 
Away from the media 
Endless Green Party tedia 
And the long arm of the law out of reach 

Sipping her cocktail, her phone beeped “You’ve got mail” 
From her co-leaders demanding to know 
When are you coming back 
Should we give you the sack 
Or blame it all on colonial woes 

Her day in court had arrived, she held her head high with pride 
The judge summed up the case, no excuses 
Retail capitalism gone mad 
Systemic racism, how sad 
Worst of all, personal pronoun abuses 

Not Guilty - it’s clear! Dismay, anguish and fear 
You’ve been put through a painful ordeal 
The shop must pay compensation 
The State must make reparations 
And you get to keep all the gear, yes for real 

Crime doesn’t pay, or so they used to say 
Seems obvious - you don’t need a degree 
But now, if you’re the right kind of minority 
Which appeals to “progressive” authority 
Give your spirits a lift, shop for free 

Derek Mackie is a former geologist with a keen interest in current affairs and a penchant for satire.


davi said...

As always Derek, very good

Kay O'Lacey said...

Hilarious, thank you!

Doug Longmire said...

Superb, Derek !!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately spot on. Where do the left lunatics find these people?