Alan Jones slams Jacinda Ardern.
Watch ‘Alan Jones’ 8pm Monday to Thursday on ADH TV:
Alan Jones is an Australian Broadcaster.
New Zealand is now reaping the consequences of the misguided appeasement strategy adopted by successive governments when dealing with the g...
This has all been timed to co-incide with the queen's passing, when they can drop british monarchy here and democracy which of course will turn nz into a 3rd world tribal/socialist country. I have been watching what has been happening in rotorua to people being ruled by mob security, women forced to give birth in cars etc. I imagine this to be what nz society could be like under tribal law. Will people be allowed to speak english still? Will people be allowed to keep land and property? There are many changes being forced on us at lighning pace
Co governance is maori control because the maori half act as a coordinated bloc (The deep rooted divisions within will show after they have total control) Of the other side some will cooperate with maori for various reasons, tipping the balance. And because of the fear of cancellation vastly more if not near all of the balancing group will be compelled to side with maori. The establishment of cancellation like some medieval religous curse is a fantastic acheivemnet of maoridom and their university agents.
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