
Friday, December 8, 2023

Capitalist: Fine for Thee but Not for Me

Sunday the 3rd was interesting for several reasons. When I wrote this, the four dumbest criminals in New Zealand had just ram raided a bakery and vape stores in east Auckland. You may think there is nothing particularly unusual about that in the rubble of a welfare-sated socialist society, but they were caught in about 15 minutes flat! It is amazing what the Police can do when crimes are committed in the Prime Minister’s electorate and the Police Commissioner is already on very thin ice!

Earlier in the day I watched – well, for as long as I could stand before feeling nauseated – Newshub Nation‘s Christmas special where lots of sickening onanists were attending their Christmas party (something bound to raise a few eyebrows in bankruptcy court next year). It was the predictable ‘usual suspects’ all having an opportunity to announce how after five days Mr Christopher Luxon has been a failure and the Government is on its last legs – blah blah blah.

Notwithstanding the token National MPs invited, it struck me there are two versions of reality: the fantasy world those inside the room live in – which applies only to those actually in that room – and then there’s real life that everyone else experiences. Even more bizarre is that those inside the room get to have a loud voice and a variety of media platforms to spout their fantasy world delusions, leaving everyone else in a state of quizzical incomprehension.

As the Police are able to catch ram raiders very smartly if they want to, so too can the media act in a professional, objective way if they want to. But they don’t want to because they’re all Labour voters, so they don’t. And everyone suffers as a result.

You find this time and again. Elitists who promote everything from abortion to having no children, to climate change, to cultural diversity, to reverse racism, to eating bugs, to living in Tiny Homes, to men can get pregnant, to [ ___________ ] (write 1001 other things in here). Not only do the elitists not live like that but they would never even consider what they promote for others.

All the elitists are married, usually to white people; they all have children; they follow traditional white, Western civilisation, have Christian values; live in large houses; drive gas guzzlers; fly around the country or world without hesitation; consume vast amounts of goods and services and don’t know anyone who isn’t white and would scratch your eyes out if you suggested university admissions for their children should be curtailed.

They don’t believe in multiple genders or eating bugs to save the planet. They don’t think they should have to sacrifice anything ever. Defunding the Police, drug legalisation, and abortion are all things which they think should apply to you.

So they can have their “useful idiots” attend a TV3 Christmas party, spout Orwellian phantasmagorical notions, and scold everybody else for not complying, whilst not bothering too much about it bearing no relation to their own lives.

Similarly, if serious crimes are committed in the ‘wrong’ place they expect the Police to solve them very quickly. See how this works, dear reader? The worst part is when you tolerate various things; you perpetuate the wickedness. You won’t, for instance, initiate a boycott of TV news advertisers because you don’t want to make a fuss. Then you wonder why things aren’t as they used to be.

Capitalist is a simple country boy from the deep south who seeks nothing less than the destruction of socialism and collectivism in New Zealand. This article was first published HERE

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